How This Beautiful Lady, Adaobi, Was Killed by Her ex-Boyfriend in America

Tragedy struck on Tuesday as the body of 26 year old Adaobi Michaella Obih was found in her apartment at the Riverstone Apartments in Columbus, Indiana, United States of America.
Investigations so far has shown that she was stabbed several times to death by a man friend, who is said to be one of her neighbours in the Riverstone Apartments and the man, Ryan Allen Klu, is now on the run.
Police said Ryan works for the Indiana Department of Transportation. When contacted, his supervisor, said he acting very strange lately. He sent a text message Sunday, saying: “Sick tomorrow, then vacation next two weeks.” 
His supervisor has opened up the message sent in by Ryan...
He said the message was out of character and violated the department’s vacation time policy. Ryan, he said, has not return any texts or phone calls to him since then and didn't show up at work.
The police are on the trail of 36-year-old Ryan, who is the prime suspect in the murder of 26-year-old lady.

Police said before Adaobi was killed, Ryan sent a text message to a pastor, asking him to call. When the pastor did so, Ryan answered and told the pastor that he couldn’t talk at the moment.

Further investigation found that Adaobi had been stabbed multiple times and her throat cut. A blood trail went from her bedroom to Ryan’s apartment, and police said it appeared “the assailant attempted to clean up in the bathroom.” 
They also found a bloody towel in Klug’s sink. Police located a plastic bag containing a bloody sock and other clothes stained with blood, including blue jeans, boxers and a shirt. Police said the “amount of blood on these items was significant”.

Police found a trail of small blood drops leading from the apartment to the garage where ryan parked his car but the vehicle has since disappeared from the garage.

From what Nastygist.Com gathered, it seems Adaobi was dating Ryan but they separated and now he want her back but she told him she is in love with another man and he couldn't take her rejection.

Ryan's brother told police that he spoke with him about two weeks ago and told him he wanted to get back with a girl he had dated before. The relationship ended about a year ago. His brother said Ryan found out that she was dating someone else. He said his brother told him that, "I’m losing control".

May the soul of this lady, Adaobi, rest in peace. Hope her killer is arrested and made to face the law!