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I decide to publish this post because I know everyone of you cares more about health, NastyGist is offering you the best to live long life
Editor : Elvis Emeafu
Focus on staying healthy, so you can be happy. And if you’re
happy, you’ll live more. Here’s how you can improve the
quality and quantity of life.
Let Get Going
Consider this simple equation: Long life + Good Health = Happiness
This is a simple self-explanatory equation and it is obvious that a
long life fraught with health problems can only be a burden to us
and our loved ones, which is why just longevity is not enough.
Successful aging is the new mantra, which includes good health,
independence and happiness. The pioneering study, “Successful
Aging,” sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation, USA, found that
while 30 per cent of aging depends on our genes, the balance 70
per cent is very much lifestyle-driven. This places a huge chunk of
responsibility for our longevity, in our hands. Like a retirement
fund, your deposits for longevity must start at a young age.

Presenting the 9-point plan to successful aging
1. Watch what you eat
Most of the stuff we love eating is not necessarily good for us.
While it is tough to remove all your favourite foods from your
diet, it is easier to substitute them gradually with healthier
alternatives. Simple food replacements can help you live a
longer, healthier life according to Dr Maoshing Ni [popularly
known as Dr Mao], anti-aging expert, doctor of Chinese medicine
and best-selling author of Secrets of Longevity—Hundreds of Ways
to Live to Be 100. Green tea for coffee, dried fruits and nuts for
fried snacks, brown rice for white rice, fish for red meat, olive oil
for butter, fruits for refined sweets and water for soda, even these
seven simple swaps can make a world of difference to your
longevity quotient. Complex carbohydrates, protein from
vegetarian or lean meat sources and healthy unsaturated fats are
the key foods to focus on.
2. Reduce your overall calorie intake
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association found that, in overweight people, a reduction in
daily calorie intake by up to 25 per cent led to a lower core
body temperature and lower fasting insulin levels. The Mayo
Clinic defines a calorie restriction [CR] diet for anti-aging as one
that involves eating fewer calories than your body needs to
maintain your normal weight — while still getting enough
vitamins and other nutrients. Some of the ill effects of such a diet
such as bone loss and reduced muscle mass can be combated by
regular physical activity along with calcium and vitamin D
supplements. Research also shows that lowering our calorie intake
has a positive effect on our blood pressure, blood sugar, body fat
percentage, cholesterol levels and body weight—all of which go
towards enjoying a healthier life. Reduced calories slow down the
metabolism, which possibly reduces the harmful free radicals
produced by the body. Instead of randomly cutting down calories,
consult a qualified nutritionist to chalk out a CR diet for you to
ensure that the vital nutrients are not compromised.
3. Stay active
It’s never too late to include physical activity as a part of your
daily routine. Anything that gets your heart rate up for 30
minutes a day can have numerous benefits starting from
weight loss to physical agility and mental wellbeing. The
effects of daily exercise on blood pressure, blood sugar and
many other ailments are well known. A study published very
recently in the British Medical Journal reports that “Increased
physical activity in middle age is eventually followed by a
reduction in mortality to the same level as seen among men with
constantly high physical activity. This reduction is comparable
with that associated with smoking cessation.”
4. Keep up your antioxidants supply
Cellular damage by free radicals is one of the major
contributors to aging and illnesses. Antioxidants found in
coloured fruits and vegetables, red wine, tea and dark
chocolate etc neutralise these free radicals. Micronutrients like
vitamins A, C, E, selenium and zinc also have antioxidant
properties. Research has shown that vitamin E reduces the risk of
heart disease. Oxidative damage by free radicals is present in
brains of patients with Alzheimer’s and age-associated
degenerative diseases. Those over 80 years of age showed greater
systemic oxidative stress and lower levels of antioxidants, such as
vitamin C and vitamin E while a study of Italian centenarians
showed that they had elevated blood levels of antioxidants.
5. Nurture relationships
Happily married men live an average six years longer than the
single guys. No surprises there as the women play a big role in
pushing men to take good care of their health. Research at the
University of California found that married men were 2.4
times more likely than unmarried men to take medical care,
so that too adds years to life. Spend genuine quality time with
your spouse. Don’t wait for Family Day or Mother’s Day to spend
time with your parents/grandparents or close family. They are
your best emotional support system and they won’t be around
Make time for games and chatting sessions with old friends. Your
siblings may be in different countries but technological advances
leave you with no excuses for not being in touch.
Even spending quality time with your pet can de-stress you,
leaving you happy and positive. Nurturing healthy relationships is
indeed a soothing balm for the soul.
6. Take care of your skin.
It’s not entirely vain to use moisturisers, sunscreens and get
facials. Irrespective of your gender, having a healthy skin is a
big confidence booster and looking good is a stepping-stone to
feeling good. Besides, using a sunscreen along with protective
clothing prevents sun-damage to the skin.
Excessive UV ray damage to skin, sallowness [sickly yellowish skin
colour], wrinkles and photoaged skin conditions make it more
prone to developing cancers.
7. Keep your mind active
Keep your mind ticking with stimulants like crossword
puzzles, sudoku or chess. Sign up for classes in your free time,
to learn something new, be it a language or a skill.
Neuropsychologist Yaakov Stern of Columbia University College
of Physicians and Surgeons followed 1800 older adults for up to
seven years and found that the more leisure activities they kept
busy with, the lower was their risk of developing Alzheimer’s—
even if it was just playing cards, visiting friends or watching
movies. Besides these, aerobic exercise and an antioxidant rich
diet also helps in keeping the brain razor sharp for many years to
De-stressing with a massage, regular weekend breaks, breathing
exercises, laughing out loud and sleeping well can all keep stress
from building up, leaving your mind in a peaceful, alert state.
8. Insure and save
The worry of having to land up in a hospital for a health
calamity and seeing your savings wiped off can cause enough
stress to block an artery.
So get your health insured early on in life, where you have to
pay a lesser premium to get maximum ailments covered, and
renew it without fail each year. Don’t wait for health problems to
develop before you insure yourself, or all your claims will get
caught in the net of ‘pre-existing diseases’.
When you retire, a kilo of potatoes may well cost over 100 Rupees,
so start saving today if you want to enjoy a financially
independent old age. Even if you don’t want to leave a large
inheritance for anyone, you can splurge on healthy food, health
supplements, good health care services and go around the world
in style with your savings.
9. Don’t ignore health checkups and preventive
We tend to overlook these for a variety of reasons—either
because the insurance doesn’t cover it, or you hate the sight of
blood, or you are of the opinion that ignorance is bliss. Think
of it this way—it is easier to bring down your cholesterol
levels today than getting a coronary bypass done 10 years
down the line.
Most ailments, from cardiovascular to cancer if detected early,
can be treated successfully. It has been seen that women are twice
as likely as men to go for regular health checks and screening,
and this is one of the reasons why they outlive the men. In fact, at
age 100, female/male ratio is 8:1.
A physical examination with blood pressure and ECG, followed by
some urine and blood tests is enough for a start. Depending on
these test results, your doctor might recommend more specific
tests, if required. While you are at it, schedule an appointment for
a dental check up too.

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Editor : Elvis Emeafu
Focus on staying healthy, so you can be happy. And if you’re
happy, you’ll live more. Here’s how you can improve the
quality and quantity of life.
Let Get Going
Consider this simple equation: Long life + Good Health = Happiness
This is a simple self-explanatory equation and it is obvious that a
long life fraught with health problems can only be a burden to us
and our loved ones, which is why just longevity is not enough.
Successful aging is the new mantra, which includes good health,
independence and happiness. The pioneering study, “Successful
Aging,” sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation, USA, found that
while 30 per cent of aging depends on our genes, the balance 70
per cent is very much lifestyle-driven. This places a huge chunk of
responsibility for our longevity, in our hands. Like a retirement
fund, your deposits for longevity must start at a young age.

Presenting the 9-point plan to successful aging
1. Watch what you eat
Most of the stuff we love eating is not necessarily good for us.
While it is tough to remove all your favourite foods from your
diet, it is easier to substitute them gradually with healthier
alternatives. Simple food replacements can help you live a
longer, healthier life according to Dr Maoshing Ni [popularly
known as Dr Mao], anti-aging expert, doctor of Chinese medicine
and best-selling author of Secrets of Longevity—Hundreds of Ways
to Live to Be 100. Green tea for coffee, dried fruits and nuts for
fried snacks, brown rice for white rice, fish for red meat, olive oil
for butter, fruits for refined sweets and water for soda, even these
seven simple swaps can make a world of difference to your
longevity quotient. Complex carbohydrates, protein from
vegetarian or lean meat sources and healthy unsaturated fats are
the key foods to focus on.
2. Reduce your overall calorie intake
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association found that, in overweight people, a reduction in
daily calorie intake by up to 25 per cent led to a lower core
body temperature and lower fasting insulin levels. The Mayo
Clinic defines a calorie restriction [CR] diet for anti-aging as one
that involves eating fewer calories than your body needs to
maintain your normal weight — while still getting enough
vitamins and other nutrients. Some of the ill effects of such a diet
such as bone loss and reduced muscle mass can be combated by
regular physical activity along with calcium and vitamin D
supplements. Research also shows that lowering our calorie intake
has a positive effect on our blood pressure, blood sugar, body fat
percentage, cholesterol levels and body weight—all of which go
towards enjoying a healthier life. Reduced calories slow down the
metabolism, which possibly reduces the harmful free radicals
produced by the body. Instead of randomly cutting down calories,
consult a qualified nutritionist to chalk out a CR diet for you to
ensure that the vital nutrients are not compromised.
3. Stay active
It’s never too late to include physical activity as a part of your
daily routine. Anything that gets your heart rate up for 30
minutes a day can have numerous benefits starting from
weight loss to physical agility and mental wellbeing. The
effects of daily exercise on blood pressure, blood sugar and
many other ailments are well known. A study published very
recently in the British Medical Journal reports that “Increased
physical activity in middle age is eventually followed by a
reduction in mortality to the same level as seen among men with
constantly high physical activity. This reduction is comparable
with that associated with smoking cessation.”
4. Keep up your antioxidants supply
Cellular damage by free radicals is one of the major
contributors to aging and illnesses. Antioxidants found in
coloured fruits and vegetables, red wine, tea and dark
chocolate etc neutralise these free radicals. Micronutrients like
vitamins A, C, E, selenium and zinc also have antioxidant
properties. Research has shown that vitamin E reduces the risk of
heart disease. Oxidative damage by free radicals is present in
brains of patients with Alzheimer’s and age-associated
degenerative diseases. Those over 80 years of age showed greater
systemic oxidative stress and lower levels of antioxidants, such as
vitamin C and vitamin E while a study of Italian centenarians
showed that they had elevated blood levels of antioxidants.
5. Nurture relationships
Happily married men live an average six years longer than the
single guys. No surprises there as the women play a big role in
pushing men to take good care of their health. Research at the
University of California found that married men were 2.4
times more likely than unmarried men to take medical care,
so that too adds years to life. Spend genuine quality time with
your spouse. Don’t wait for Family Day or Mother’s Day to spend
time with your parents/grandparents or close family. They are
your best emotional support system and they won’t be around
Make time for games and chatting sessions with old friends. Your
siblings may be in different countries but technological advances
leave you with no excuses for not being in touch.
Even spending quality time with your pet can de-stress you,
leaving you happy and positive. Nurturing healthy relationships is
indeed a soothing balm for the soul.
6. Take care of your skin.
It’s not entirely vain to use moisturisers, sunscreens and get
facials. Irrespective of your gender, having a healthy skin is a
big confidence booster and looking good is a stepping-stone to
feeling good. Besides, using a sunscreen along with protective
clothing prevents sun-damage to the skin.
Excessive UV ray damage to skin, sallowness [sickly yellowish skin
colour], wrinkles and photoaged skin conditions make it more
prone to developing cancers.
7. Keep your mind active
Keep your mind ticking with stimulants like crossword
puzzles, sudoku or chess. Sign up for classes in your free time,
to learn something new, be it a language or a skill.
Neuropsychologist Yaakov Stern of Columbia University College
of Physicians and Surgeons followed 1800 older adults for up to
seven years and found that the more leisure activities they kept
busy with, the lower was their risk of developing Alzheimer’s—
even if it was just playing cards, visiting friends or watching
movies. Besides these, aerobic exercise and an antioxidant rich
diet also helps in keeping the brain razor sharp for many years to
De-stressing with a massage, regular weekend breaks, breathing
exercises, laughing out loud and sleeping well can all keep stress
from building up, leaving your mind in a peaceful, alert state.
8. Insure and save
The worry of having to land up in a hospital for a health
calamity and seeing your savings wiped off can cause enough
stress to block an artery.
So get your health insured early on in life, where you have to
pay a lesser premium to get maximum ailments covered, and
renew it without fail each year. Don’t wait for health problems to
develop before you insure yourself, or all your claims will get
caught in the net of ‘pre-existing diseases’.
When you retire, a kilo of potatoes may well cost over 100 Rupees,
so start saving today if you want to enjoy a financially
independent old age. Even if you don’t want to leave a large
inheritance for anyone, you can splurge on healthy food, health
supplements, good health care services and go around the world
in style with your savings.
9. Don’t ignore health checkups and preventive
We tend to overlook these for a variety of reasons—either
because the insurance doesn’t cover it, or you hate the sight of
blood, or you are of the opinion that ignorance is bliss. Think
of it this way—it is easier to bring down your cholesterol
levels today than getting a coronary bypass done 10 years
down the line.
Most ailments, from cardiovascular to cancer if detected early,
can be treated successfully. It has been seen that women are twice
as likely as men to go for regular health checks and screening,
and this is one of the reasons why they outlive the men. In fact, at
age 100, female/male ratio is 8:1.
A physical examination with blood pressure and ECG, followed by
some urine and blood tests is enough for a start. Depending on
these test results, your doctor might recommend more specific
tests, if required. While you are at it, schedule an appointment for
a dental check up too.

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This is Chris and Mariesa's home. They have eight rescue dogs —
Gremlin, Meatball, Money, The Stig, Moses, Tejas, Quinn, and
Sammy. And they are actively looking for more (!!!) to adopt
and take into their home. Because who hasn't always dreamed
of living in the big crazy dog house! This was exactly the house
we all wanted to grow up in, except our mothers were all no,
dammit, that dog is not coming in the dining room while we are
eating. Boo to mean people who don't let puppies climb on all
the things. Yay to Mariesa and Chris who are awesome,
Not for Nigerian Dogs Tho..........

An Indian billboard dedicated to the memory of Nelson
Mandela accidentally used a photograph of actor Morgan
Freeman instead. Freeman played Mandela in the 2009 film
Invictus , but the two are not, in fact, the same person (SEE
PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE ABOVE)—one of them being the
deceased former leader of South Africa, and the other one just
being a completely different guy. Um. Oops.
An Indian billboard mourning Nelson Mandela's death has
been put up in India, but a photo of actor Morgan
Freeman has been mistakenly used.
The memorial to Mandela was placed in the city of
Coimbatore by the side of a road.
'We should be proud that we were part of an era when
they lived,' read the condolence message on the board in
This reminds me of my 9th grade history class, when every
week Mr. Anderson would put up five photos of significant
historical figures/world leaders, and if you could identify all of
them you got extra credit. One time he put up an easy one—
Gandhi —and everyone was all smug, like, "Nailed it!" and then
Mr. Anderson was all, "LOLZ, BITCHEZ! EVERYONE GETS A
ZERO." Because it was actually Ben Kingsley in the movie Gandhi.
To this day I am simultaneously resentful, embarrassed, and
impressed with Mr. Anderson's troll-craft.

You’ve come this far: You and your guy connected online, emailed a
few times, spoke on the phone and now it’s time for your “meet
date.” You are compatible in the virtual world. So far, so good. Now
it’s time to see how it goes in the real world.
The purpose of the meet date is not to learn a ton about each other
or make any decisions about whether you might have any kind of
future. It simply serves as a quick way to determine if you want to
want to get to know each other better. If you do, you go on a real
As a Dating and Relationship Coach for Women over 40 , I encourage,
and sometimes practically shove my clients online because I know
this is the best place for singles to meet. It’s where I met my
husband, after all. Before our meet date here is what he said to me:
Let’s meet and if we don’t gross each other out we’ll go out again.
Yah…it’s kinda like that. (After more than seven years I still can’t
find anything gross about him.)
I know the ups and downs and ins and outs of internet dating. I know
what works and what doesn’t. Here are some of the tips, reminders
and techniques I give my coaching clients when they go on a meet
date with their online match. These tips help you assess whether you
want a “real date,” and, if you do, how to increase the chances that
it will happen.
#1 Have realistic expectations.
Stay positive in the belief that you will find your special man who will
rock your world. But also be realistic by remembering that the
majority of the men you meet won’t be The One. That means lots of
“nos” until you get to your final “yes.” When you manage your
expectations this way your level of disappointment drops
dramatically. That means you can have more fun and continue to get
practice so you’re ready for The One when you do meet him.
#2 Put your best foot forward.
Everyone has negative attributes and secrets; and everyone worries
about when to share them. The answer may be complex and depend
on the situation, but the sure thing is NOT to share them on the
meet date or often even the first date.
Divorce, family problems, jobs you hate, friends or other men who
have betrayed or disappointed you are off limits. If he asks or brings
it up himself, respond with one or two sentences of a positive nature
and sway the topic elsewhere. For example: “It was difficult at times,
but I learned a lot from that experience” or “Wow, we could talk
about that for hours! Let’s put that in the queue for next time…I’d
rather talk about your [travels; favorite movies, bands, or plays;
preferences in food; or cats vs. dogs...]”
#3 Talk about yourself.
Contrary to many women’s beliefs, it’s not his job to ask you a
bunch of questions. It’s up to you to help him learn about you. Be
sure to squeeze in what I call your “nuggets.” Nuggets are important
bits of information about you. What’s important to you, what is great
about you and what do you like to do in your life? Tell him who you
are by showing him your best self.
#4 Remember that you are strangers.
Until you spend time with him, you cannot know his character, his
values or how he would make you feel in a relationship.
Intuition and
chemistry are real, but they’re not reliable indicators of the
important elements of a long-lasting, adult relationship: trust,
respect, loving-kindness, etc. Keep your “reaction to attraction” and
intuition in check and lead with your intellect. It will lead you to
better decisions.
#5 Keep your eyes on the prize.
You’re looking for a good man with whom you can share a deep
connection, unconditional trust, mutual adoration and a lifetime of
happiness. Everything you do should be toward that end. That means
choosing long-term happiness over momentary pleasure. Don’t be
intimate too soon, and do give him the time and attention needed to
make a good and grownup choice.
Next time, in part two, I’ll tell you the #1 thing men look for in a
woman and how you can show him you’ve got it, along with the rest
of my juicy tips on how to turn your coffee date into a date-date.
There are thousands of quality men who want to date a woman just
like you…and they are online! Bobbi will give you the tools, tips and
support you need to get out of your rut, attract the right men and
ultimately meet the man who will love and adore you forever.
Elvis Emeafu

Ignore all of those cynical lawyer jokes. There are plenty of amazing
things about attorneys…here are just 15 of them!
1. Quoting your date will make you sound smarter: “My boyfriend is
a lawyer and he says…”
2. Your mom and dad will be impressed. Plus: A lawyer in the family
is always a good thing!
3. Most lawyers are fantastic dressers. (Yes, there’s more than one
suit in his/her closet.)
4. Lawyers are financially secure.
5. Lawyers know how to present themselves well – and up the
charm. Your date will likely make a great impression with your
friends and colleagues.
6. Your date will stand up for you, even when you’re wrong.
7. Lawyers are often invited to interesting social events. Most of
them include an open bar.
8. Lawyers are very experienced negotiators and excel at conflict
9. Like to debate? Your date is always up for that type of challenge.
10. Lawyers have good memories – or at least good note-taking
11. Speaking of note-taking, there will be plenty of free legal pads
lying around.
12. Your date will have interesting law-school stories (and lots of life
experience). As a general rule, lawyers work hard and play hard.
13. Lawyers are eloquent, articulate and very insightful when it
comes to reading another person’s character.
14. Eloquence is sexy. So are briefcases.
15. If you ever need your partner’s services, he/she will work
especially hard for you.
Why else should one date a lawyer?

Nigerian rapper Tobechukwu Melvin Ejiofor aka Illbliss in a chat with
HipTV revealed that Chidinma's alleged sex tape scandal which went
viral weeks back devastated the singer, adding that she cried
Illbliss recounted how he and his team rallied round the Kedike hit
singer and assured her the scandal would be strategically handled.
He and Clarence Peter spearhead Capital Hill Music, which is home to
Chidinma, Phyno and Da Suspect.
Illbliss said:
‘I got an e-mail from a blogger one morning saying that ‘your artiste
Chidinma has a sex tape out, get in touch with us’ and I called her
that morning and told her (Chidinma).
All she did was cry her eyes out, saying ‘I’m only a small girl; I’ve
not wronged anybody, why will anyone do this to me?’
‘…I told her that we will speak when we want to and it will not be to
defend the sex tape issue but to communicate her success. And
indeed it worked!'

Last week I promised I was going to share with you natural ways to
delay éjaculation, prevent weak erection, overcome premature
éjaculation and increase séxual stamina. Premature éjaculation, or
ejaculating before you or your wife want you to, is a common problem
that strikes most men at some point in their lives.
Several factors can influence when éjaculation occurs during the act
of séx, but it can be controlled with some forethought or, in extreme
cases, medical intervention.
Below are strategies to help you get over premature ejaculation and
improve your séxual stamina...
Sometimes we do not have any medical condition; this condition just
happens. For quick fixes, I suggest you just wear a condom or two
together at the same time as the case may require. It sounds too
simple to be true, but it works for a lot of men. The most natural
thing is to apply strategic pressure. With a little anatomy knowledge,
you can delay an oncoming ejaculation by applying pressure to one of
two spots.
First is the perineum pressure: this is pressing on the perineum,
perineum is a spot midway between your scrotum and your anus, and
firm pressure will help to stop ejaculation because this spot reaches
through to the prostate gland. It is the prostate that contracts and
expands during orgasm and then expels the ejaculation fluid. If you
find it difficult to do, just make sure you are very clean down there
and there after, ask your wife to assist in applying this loving pressure
for you. Then the testes tug: When a man is so close to orgasm or
very near orgasm, his scrotum rises up closer to his body. You can
delay ejaculation by gently pulling your testes down and away from
your body.
To make it more romantic and passionate, teach and train your wife
to do this for you. Another natural way is to do all you can to reduce
anxiety. For many husbands’ extreme williness to over-impress their
wives, couple with anxiety and pressure to perform have been a major
contributor to premature ejaculation. If you can just relax and
remember that your wife probably cares about you and all you
represent in her life more than the timing of your orgasms, and that
premature ejaculation doesn’t mean you can’t still be good in bed.
Then, don’t start off sex with orgasm in focus please and please, take
climaxing out of your expectations. Instead of viewing intercourse
only as a means of achieving orgasm, reframe it as relaxing,
pleasurable time with your adorable wife and season of bonding that
you’ll enjoy regardless of ejaculation. For effectiveness, take time out,
have a family meeting and discuss this new mindset with your wife,
so that she can stop pressuring you, intentionally or un-intentionally.
Then while in the very act of sex, do all you can to think nonsexual
thoughts. If you notice yourself getting too excited, turn your thoughts
to something distant, abstract and unsexy, such as math, rush hour
traffic or football match.
Only dwell on it long enough to give yourself a short break from
arousal, maybe 5 to 10 seconds, and then refocus your attention on
your wife and the action of sex. Avoid thinking of a topic that is going
to make you stressed or cause you to lose your arousal entirely.
Thoughts such as the payment of the children school fees, Nigeria
erratic power supply or some moods killer thoughts should be
avoided. Now proceed further and try edging. Edging, or orgasm
control, is the practice of maintaining a high level of sexual arousal
while delaying ejaculation. It takes practice, but it gets easier over
Here are two methods recommended to stop premature ejaculation.
Stop-and-start method: Have intercourse as usual until you feel
yourself coming uncomfortably close to orgasm. Immediately and
abruptly, cease all stimulation for 30 seconds, and then start again.
Repeat this pattern until you’re ready to ejaculate. Squeeze method:
Have intercourse as usual until you feel like orgasm is seconds away.
Abruptly, stop other stimulation and gently squeeze your thumb and
forefinger around the part of the penis where the glans meet the shaft
(or your wife could do this).
After squeezing for a few seconds, try and pause all stimulation for
another 30 seconds before resuming intercourse. Repeat this pattern
until you’re ready to ejaculate.
Then try and change sexual positions. Some intercourse positions put
less pressure on the glans (or the most sensitive part of the penis).
Here’s what to do: Try “passive” positions. Lie beneath your wife, or
try a side-by-side (or spooning) position. Avoid “active” positions.
Missionary and rear-entry positions place the most stimulation and
friction on the glans, so consider taking them off the menu for now.
And then take it slow. Depending on your personal sensitivity, slowing
your movements and opting for gentler, more teasing intercourse can
help you hold off orgasm longer. If you find yourself getting too close
to orgasm, slow down a bit, change to a new position, or take a break
to stimulate your wife in fore play. Make sure you focus on foreplay.
Sometimes, “premature” ejaculation is a frame of mind. Even if your
ejaculation comes quickly during intercourse, you can still give your
wife a great sexual experience through more extended, intimate,
attentive and generous foreplay. Stimulate your wife enough manually,
orally or with toys, and she may not need or want a long session of
intercourse to finish happy.
Then of course, do PC muscle exercises. Flexing and strengthening
your pubococcygeus (PC) muscle can help you exert more control
over ejaculation. (Note that this is also called Kegel exercises, which
you might have heard me recommend for women. The muscle is the
same in both sexes.) Locate your PC muscle. Put one or two fingers
right behind your testicles.
Pretend that you are urinating, and then try to stop the flow with a
quick muscle contraction. That muscle you just used to stop the flow
from the bladder is your PC muscle. Flex the muscle regularly. Try to
do 10 to 20 squeezes in a set, 2 or 3 times a day. Do a set whenever
you’re bored or stationary, like when you’re sitting at your desk or in
traffic. No one will be able to see that you’re doing them. Squeeze
your PC muscle when you feel ejaculation coming on. Once the muscle
is strong enough, you should be able to hold it off just like stopping
flow when urinating. Practise controlling your orgasm. When you are
with your wife, focus on improving your control over your climax.
Stimulate yourself to the edge of climax and then stop.
Do this several times before finishing. As you practise, learn to
recognise the feeling of getting close to orgasm, and take note of how
close you can get and still effectively stop, and when you’ve reached a
“point of no return.” During intercourse, use that knowledge to slow
down or adjust your movements if you get too close too early.
Condoms reduce stimulation for most men, which should prolong the
time before ejaculation. But while looking for a condom to buy, steer
clear of condoms that are marketed as extra thin. Instead, get a
brand that allows more stimulation later.
Some condoms are coated with a slight numbing gel on the inside.
This can help you put off ejaculation for longer without causing
numbness to your wife. (Just make sure you know which side is where
when you put it on.) Use an analgesic cream or spray. There are two
classes of these products. The first is the traditional “numbing”
creams and sprays that have been in the market for some time. The
advantage is that you’ll feel less sensation, which will delay
ejaculation. While the disadvantage is that your wife may suffer a loss
of sensation as well and of course less sensitive intercourse is not
always an appealing notion, even in these circumstances. There is a
new class of topical herbs that absorb into the skin to deliver a mild
anaesthetic to the sensory nerves below the top layer of skin of the
This allows men to have ejaculatory control but with less loss of
sexual sensation, and reduces the transference to their wives. If you
routinely ejaculate less than a minute and a half after beginning
vaginal intercourse, and none of the above fixes have worked, it might
be time to see a sex therapist.

Mrs Clara Chime, the embattled wife of the Enugu State Governor, has
finally broken her silence in a chat with Channels Television, as she
recounted her ordeal in the hands of her husband. As Governor
Sullivan Chime’s wife, she was in the public eye for about five years.
Things fell apart when she reached out to members of the human
right community and Femi Falana, to save her from her husband. She
has also denied claims of mental problem. She said: “I suffered from
depression and the treatment I got from my husband led to it.” Hear
it all from her in the video below...

After firing several shots in his much-publicised letter to President
Goodluck Jonathan, it appears that Nigeria's former president, Chief
Olusegun Obasanjo, is not yet done. In his latest comments on the
polity and the 2015 presidential race posted on his Facebook page,
Obasanjo expressed fear over the possibility of the crisis-ridden
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to make any meaningful impact in
Indicating that he has totally lost fate in the PDP as is being run
today in Abuja, Obasanjo declares: “It is now time to turn up the heat.
May the best party win.”
The PDP had been thrown into confusion, which had polarised the
party at national and state levels, leading to their governors and
lawmakers defecting to the All Progressives Congress (APC).
In order to rescue the party from its leadership and the presidency,
Obasanjo had written an 18-page letter to President Jonathan, asking
him to drop his second term ambition, which is regarded as cause of
the crisis.
As soon as Obasanjo posted his latest comment on facebook,
Nigerians started reacting. Some endorsed his position, others
disagree with him.
Ezinne Adora Ukejianya wrote:
“Good day sir and compliments of the season. Sir, I am a young
Nigerian doctor and I just want to appreciate you for that letter you
wrote to President Goodluck. It was about time someone of your
pedigree actually spoke up and we are grateful that you did it this
"We just hope His Excellency will take the admonitions and not begin
to wage war instead. Please sir, do not mind those saying negative
things. It doesn’t matter.”
Michael Olayemi wrote:
“Baba, Nigerians want you to explain better the letter you wrote to Mr
President. In the letter, you wrote a lot of things which are likely to
help solve the problems this country faces and also things which can
damage the image of this country.
“You may say you are exercising your fundamental human rights
(freedom of speech), but I am sure you know that when a statement is
wrongfully made against the government of the day it becomes an
Eneje Hillary said , “Yes, Baba, let there be a fight”.
Okun Alek said, “Your open letter did that already!”
Kolawole Akeem said, “What Baba means is that APC will win at
federal level the way things are going.”
Kene Umeadi said, “You shouldn’t have written that letter chief. I am
not impressed by it.”
Adebayo Tunde Babs said : “let Baba open up or you don’t want better
for this country? Let Baba Obasanjo ride

Those who had thought that the purported letter by Iyabo to her
father, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo would in any way throw him off
balance would be terribly disappointed because Obasanjo do not lose
sleep easily.
All things being equal, Chief Obasanjo will play host to the men
leading the 'Broom Revolution' across Nigeria in his palatial residence
in Ogun State on Saturday. Already, NastyGist.Com gathered that
security has been beefed up around Obasanjo's house in preparation
for the historic political meeting.
A leader of APC, had told Punch on Friday that some leaders of the
party, including some of its governors will meet Obasanjo at his home
in Ota on Saturday.
Also, at the residence of former Vice-President, Atiku Abubakar, on
Wednesday, former Head of State and a one of APC's leaders, Gen.
Muhammadu Buhari, hinted that the next stop of the party’s
leadership in its visits to notable Nigerians would be Obasanjo’s
Buhari said APC will meet Obasanjo and explain to him the reason for
the formation of the national party.
“The visit is happen... Select leaders of APC will visit Obasanjo. Some
APC governors will also be there,” an inside source said.

A Lagos-based clergyman, Prophet Marcus Tibetan has said that
President Goodluck Jonathan do not have all it takes to withstand
the forces that would rise against him, hence he wont contest the
2015 presidential poll. He stated this in Lagos while unfolding his
predictions for 2014 before journalists.
Prophet Tibetan also called on Governor Chibuike Amaechi to pray
against premature death as the country and his new party approaches
2015, saying the forces that killed Marshall Harry might do the same
to him.

Nollywood actress, Foluke Daramola is known by many as the actress
who snatched a pastor's husband but it appears there is more to her
that many do not know and she's starting a programme titled
"Fulfilling Desire" to talk about these and more issues. Here is what
she told a reporter about her sad experience:
You mean you have been a victim of rape?
Yes, my first introduction to sex was rape. I talk about it when I
have to. I was deflowered by a rapist. These are things people
don’t talk about. In my first marriage, I was frigid because of my
experience, aside other things. So, "Fulfilling Desire" is about
things that are realistic, but which people just sweep under the

In a chat with Galaxy TV, Maheeda reveals her reasons for engaging
in "bad" things. Hear her below:
"I 'm not posting those nude pictures on the internet to teach
people to start going naked , I posted them because I felt I am
sexy and I love sexuality. In Europe, where I live, at a certain age,
parents will start to teach their children about sex education.
But it is unfortunate that I came from this part of the world
where sentiment is attached to everything.
"I’m 31 years old and I can’t pretend to behave like a baby or
something. I’m sexy and I like it. I’m still spiritually inclined and
I have some gospel songs which are not out yet . One of them is
Papangolo. Those nude pictures you see is Maheeda. That is me.
I am just expressing myself. I’m sexy and I am only appreciating
that fact because I love sexuality."
Continue to another of her latest photos...

Barcelona star Lionel Messi has lashed out at a club vice president
who said the Argentine didn't deserve an improvement on his contract.
Javier Faus, the vice president in charge of Barcelona's finances, said
two weeks ago he didn't see a reason to extend Messi's contract again
after the club had already done so last year until 2018.
Messi has responded by telling RAC1 radio that he hasn't asked for
another extension, saying "Mr. Faus is a person that doesn't know
anything about football and wants to run Barcelona like a business,
which it isn't."
Messi adds "Barcelona is the best team in the world and deserves to be
represented by the best executives."
Messi is in Argentina recovering from a hamstring injury

A fan of NastyGist.Com draw my attention to this issue and I
thought ladies should learn from it:
"I had a girlfriend for over five years and she did more than six
abortions for me. I didn't think she could have any children in
the future that is why I recently broke up with her. Abeg I didn't
want to waste time when I eventually marry cos I'm the only boy
in my family. I heard she got naked and was swearing for me in
her compound. Please does it work? Can the swear catch me?"
The guy is scared and he wants to know if his ex-girlfriend's curse can
affect him...
First, why should a guy use and dump a lady after 6 abortions? Isn't
that wickedness of the highest order?
Second, why will a lady allow herself get pregnant 6 times for a guy
not married to her? Isn't that stupidity?

The Rivers State Chapter of the All Progressives Congress has warned
the leader of the six rebel lawmakers in the state, Evans Bipi, to
desist from further parading himself as Speaker of the State House of
Assembly or risk spending his Christmas in the prison.
APC Interim State Chairman, Dr. Davies Ibiamu Ikanya, said in a
statement issued in Port Harcourt:
“Hon. Bipi is obviously playing with fire as he has been barred from
parading himself as Speaker by a court of competent jurisdiction. The
order of the High Court of Rivers State, Ahoada Judicial Division given
on Monday, December 16, 2013, is unequivocal. He should also note
that none of his undemocratic sponsors will come to his aid when he
is committed to prison.
“His Lordship Hon. Justice C. N. Wali in his judgement did not
only bar Hon. Bipi but also declared that we have one single
House of Assembly in Rivers State under the leadership of Rt.
Hon. Otelemaba Amachree . We expect the rebel lawmakers to fall
in line and respect the leadership of the House and avoid further
heating up of the polity. They should come to terms with the fact
that their plot has failed like a pack of cards.”
Dr. Ikanya described as an abomination the attempt by Hon. Bipi to
desecrate the temple of justice by treating the clear declaration of the
Ahoada High Court with contempt.
“It was shocking to see in the dailies, Hon. Bipi, in total disdain of
court judgement, sign the birthday congratulatory advert for
Supervising Minister of Education, Chief Nyesome Wike, as Speaker of
the Rivers State House of Assembly. This is a slap on the face of the
judiciary and will not be tolerated as the Rivers State APC will do
everything legally possible to see that he pays dearly for any such
affront on the judiciary,” Dr. Ikanya stated.
The APC Interim State Chairman congratulated Rt. Hon. Otelemaba
Amachree for his court victory which re-confirmed him, the leader of
the 25 loyal lawmakers, as the rightful speaker of the State House of

Things are not the same any more for the ruling PDP and it appears
the party is sinking dipper. In fact, it was a grim verdict on Thursday
on the dwindling fate of the Peoples Democratic Party by one of its
“We are today witnessing the de-construction of what appears to
be the final collapse of our dear party, the PDP, under the inept
and imbecile National Working Committee (NWC) led by
Bamanga Tukur... I am short of words to express my pain . It is
agonising to see the party built in every home, in every village,
town and cities all over Nigeria with lots of sacrifice being
These are the words of Governor Sule Lamido of Jigawa State, who
said the is dead, waiting to be buried.
Lamido, one of the founding fathers of PDP in 1998, was one of the
G7 aggrieved governors who challenged the leadership of Alhaji
Bamanga Tukur and joined the Kawu Baraje-led New PDP.
Five of the governors – Rotimi Amaechi (Rivers), Aliyu Wamakko
(Sokoto), Murtala Nyako (Adamawa), Rabiu Kwankwaso (Kano) and
Abdultfatah Ahmed (Kwara) – have already defected to the All
Progressives Congress (APC).
Governor Lamido had said he would not leave PDP because doing so
is like leaving a house he built, but with the latest development in the
troubled party, especially the defection on Wednesday of 37 Reps
members to the APC, he is now reviewing his decision.
Urging President Goodluck to take action before it is too late,
Governor Lamido said: “Is it too late for the ‘leader’ of the party to
intervene and save our party? Nigeria’s democracy must not be
A source told NastyGist.Com that Atiku Abubakar and five PDP
governors will be joining APC soon.
Move over, Bat Kid*, there's a new cancer-slaying pint sized
hero in town— 10 year old Monika Romo, aka Vallejo,
California's "Wonder Girl." (*Actually, don't move over, Bat Kid,
because there's always room for More Adorable in this empty
soul wasteland we call The Internet.)

A Vallejo group decided earlier this year to do something nice
for a child with cancer, as a sort of community service, Karma
bank, feel-good-hoedown kinda thing. But it turns out that there
was actually only one child with cancer in Vallejo — Monika
Romo, who had found out in April that she had leukemia. The
group initially reached out to Romo's family, offering to give
her a princess-themed party (because girls love princess swag)
only to discover that Romo's hero was actually a little more
badass than the standard singing waif getting her hair braided
by birds. Here's more on how the Wonder Girl plan unfolded:
To trick Monika they told her she needed to write an
essay for a contest about how a superhero could save
Vallejo, a city that has struggled financially and against
She read the essay to her school, proving that she really
is a hero.
"Cancer is an evil villain attacking my body," said Monika.
"It is similar in Vallejo, when Vallejo-ans are afraid to live
their normal life. I choose to have a smile on my face."
This morning at 8:30 am, Monika was greeted by a cheering
crowd outside of her door, before being "whisked" (always
"whisked"!) away to City Hall, and then to her school, where
her classmates had all dressed as their favorite super heroes. But
Monika's path diverged from Bat Kid's here. Because she wants
to be a teacher when she grows up, Monika spent the day
talking to kids in area schools about defeating the "villain
Goddamn why are kids so much better than adults?
hero in town— 10 year old Monika Romo, aka Vallejo,
California's "Wonder Girl." (*Actually, don't move over, Bat Kid,
because there's always room for More Adorable in this empty
soul wasteland we call The Internet.)

A Vallejo group decided earlier this year to do something nice
for a child with cancer, as a sort of community service, Karma
bank, feel-good-hoedown kinda thing. But it turns out that there
was actually only one child with cancer in Vallejo — Monika
Romo, who had found out in April that she had leukemia. The
group initially reached out to Romo's family, offering to give
her a princess-themed party (because girls love princess swag)
only to discover that Romo's hero was actually a little more
badass than the standard singing waif getting her hair braided
by birds. Here's more on how the Wonder Girl plan unfolded:
To trick Monika they told her she needed to write an
essay for a contest about how a superhero could save
Vallejo, a city that has struggled financially and against
She read the essay to her school, proving that she really
is a hero.
"Cancer is an evil villain attacking my body," said Monika.
"It is similar in Vallejo, when Vallejo-ans are afraid to live
their normal life. I choose to have a smile on my face."
This morning at 8:30 am, Monika was greeted by a cheering
crowd outside of her door, before being "whisked" (always
"whisked"!) away to City Hall, and then to her school, where
her classmates had all dressed as their favorite super heroes. But
Monika's path diverged from Bat Kid's here. Because she wants
to be a teacher when she grows up, Monika spent the day
talking to kids in area schools about defeating the "villain
Goddamn why are kids so much better than adults?
Okay, fine, science has never once said that guzzling alcohol
with wild abandon is healthy. But guzzle it in moderation and
you are basically moderately from the pierced artery of
a unicorn, guaranteeing yourself success and longevity.
According to science.

According to Mother Jones , a team of researchers from Oregon
Health & Science University trained twelve rhesus macaques —
a species of monkey with a very similar immune system to our
own — to drink a 4 percent ethanol cocktail. They then
vaccinated the monkeys against small pox and split them into
two groups. One group was given access to the cocktails (OPEN
BAR!!!) and the other was given sugar water. Some of the
monkeys at the alcohol science party got drunk all day,
consistently displaying BACs higher than 0.08, while others
chose to drink moderately, resulting in BAC levels between 0.02
and 0.04. (Interestingly, this indicates that variable drinking
behavior is not unique to humans.)
After seven months, the monkeys received a second booster shot.
The heavy-drinking monkeys failed to produce the antibodies
that the body usually makes in response to vaccination, which
one would expect from someone who just went hard at a 7-
month-long open bar. Surprisingly, though, the moderately
drinking monkeys experienced an increase in immune response
— responding even better than the non-drinking control group.
Conclusion: moderate drinking may improve your immune
system. Now you have a scientifically-sound justification for
your desk beer. You are welcome.
with wild abandon is healthy. But guzzle it in moderation and
you are basically moderately from the pierced artery of
a unicorn, guaranteeing yourself success and longevity.
According to science.

According to Mother Jones , a team of researchers from Oregon
Health & Science University trained twelve rhesus macaques —
a species of monkey with a very similar immune system to our
own — to drink a 4 percent ethanol cocktail. They then
vaccinated the monkeys against small pox and split them into
two groups. One group was given access to the cocktails (OPEN
BAR!!!) and the other was given sugar water. Some of the
monkeys at the alcohol science party got drunk all day,
consistently displaying BACs higher than 0.08, while others
chose to drink moderately, resulting in BAC levels between 0.02
and 0.04. (Interestingly, this indicates that variable drinking
behavior is not unique to humans.)
After seven months, the monkeys received a second booster shot.
The heavy-drinking monkeys failed to produce the antibodies
that the body usually makes in response to vaccination, which
one would expect from someone who just went hard at a 7-
month-long open bar. Surprisingly, though, the moderately
drinking monkeys experienced an increase in immune response
— responding even better than the non-drinking control group.
Conclusion: moderate drinking may improve your immune
system. Now you have a scientifically-sound justification for
your desk beer. You are welcome.
posted from Bloggeroid
I am not a
sex therapist.
That’s my
But, I did
have a really
with a female friend
of mine recently.
She’s never been married. She’s in her mid-30s. She’s dating a
guy who is divorced and in his early 40s. At this point, they both
have a lot of life experience under their belts (and you should read
that figuratively as well as literally!).

Things are starting to get serious between the two of them. In
other words, she knows that they are getting close to sleeping
together (in every meaning of that phrase), and she asked me this:
“At what point do you discuss if they have any venereal diseases
before you have sex with them?” Again, I’m not a sex therapist.
I’m not a marriage therapist. I’m not a doctor. I’m not a minister.
I sometimes shake my head in wonder at the things people ask
At first, I wasn’t sure how to answer her question. My immediate
response was to jump to what I tell my kids – God intends sexual
intercourse to be between a husband and a wife. It’s an intimate
part of a spousal relationship. I quickly realized that, with all
judgment cast aside, that line wouldn’t necessarily work. One of
them has already been married, and the two of them having been
in the dating scene for many years.
My second response (almost as immediate as my first) was to say,
“You have that conversation WAY WAY WAY before you sleep with
him!” Sexual intercourse is incredibly intimate. Having a
conversation prior to that about sexual history and disease should
not be more uncomfortable in any way shape or form than taking
off your clothes and being naked in front of each other. Think
about it! Why do we seem to assume that difficult conversations
would be, or should be, more awkward, more intimate, more
embarrassing, or more raw than actual nudity and sex!?!? It’s
crazy — especially when you consider what is at stake! What is at
stake could be a matter of life or death, or could certainly alter the
course of your life forever.
I encouraged my friend to think about the fact that if she and her
“friend” were comfortable enough with each other to consider
having sex, then certainly they could handle (and should be able
to handle) what might seem to be a difficult (or perhaps better
labeled as an “uncomfortable”) conversation about their health
and sexual histories.
I also suggested that if having this conversation were too difficult,
then perhaps they weren’t ready to even experience the physical
intimacy required when embarking on a sexual relationship. If
verbal intimacy can’t be achieved, then I don’t think anything can
be gained by jumping straight to physical intimacy.
It was an interesting conversation, but one that really made me
stop and think about things from a religious, moral, and practical
perspective. I’m glad my friend is thinking about this, and I’m glad
she asked the question. I hope she is contemplating our
discussion, and taking it to her boyfriend to stimulate an even
more robust conversation – about their relationship, about
whether they are ready to have sex, about their health, and about
their future.
She then asked a second question: “What if he lies?” Oh boy.
Sadly, I know people who have lied. After marriage. About what
diseases they may carry. That gets at trust … trust from day one. I
feel badly for anyone in this situation. To find out years into a
marriage that you were lied to about something as important as
this certainly serves to impact the entire marital relationship and
the sanctity upon which it was built. Like I said, I’m not a
marriage therapist, so I’m going to leave that one for the
My bottom line is this: have the conversation! Ask the questions
you need to have answered before the point in which you NEED to
know the answers!
sex therapist.
That’s my
But, I did
have a really
with a female friend
of mine recently.
She’s never been married. She’s in her mid-30s. She’s dating a
guy who is divorced and in his early 40s. At this point, they both
have a lot of life experience under their belts (and you should read
that figuratively as well as literally!).

Things are starting to get serious between the two of them. In
other words, she knows that they are getting close to sleeping
together (in every meaning of that phrase), and she asked me this:
“At what point do you discuss if they have any venereal diseases
before you have sex with them?” Again, I’m not a sex therapist.
I’m not a marriage therapist. I’m not a doctor. I’m not a minister.
I sometimes shake my head in wonder at the things people ask
At first, I wasn’t sure how to answer her question. My immediate
response was to jump to what I tell my kids – God intends sexual
intercourse to be between a husband and a wife. It’s an intimate
part of a spousal relationship. I quickly realized that, with all
judgment cast aside, that line wouldn’t necessarily work. One of
them has already been married, and the two of them having been
in the dating scene for many years.
My second response (almost as immediate as my first) was to say,
“You have that conversation WAY WAY WAY before you sleep with
him!” Sexual intercourse is incredibly intimate. Having a
conversation prior to that about sexual history and disease should
not be more uncomfortable in any way shape or form than taking
off your clothes and being naked in front of each other. Think
about it! Why do we seem to assume that difficult conversations
would be, or should be, more awkward, more intimate, more
embarrassing, or more raw than actual nudity and sex!?!? It’s
crazy — especially when you consider what is at stake! What is at
stake could be a matter of life or death, or could certainly alter the
course of your life forever.
I encouraged my friend to think about the fact that if she and her
“friend” were comfortable enough with each other to consider
having sex, then certainly they could handle (and should be able
to handle) what might seem to be a difficult (or perhaps better
labeled as an “uncomfortable”) conversation about their health
and sexual histories.
I also suggested that if having this conversation were too difficult,
then perhaps they weren’t ready to even experience the physical
intimacy required when embarking on a sexual relationship. If
verbal intimacy can’t be achieved, then I don’t think anything can
be gained by jumping straight to physical intimacy.
It was an interesting conversation, but one that really made me
stop and think about things from a religious, moral, and practical
perspective. I’m glad my friend is thinking about this, and I’m glad
she asked the question. I hope she is contemplating our
discussion, and taking it to her boyfriend to stimulate an even
more robust conversation – about their relationship, about
whether they are ready to have sex, about their health, and about
their future.
She then asked a second question: “What if he lies?” Oh boy.
Sadly, I know people who have lied. After marriage. About what
diseases they may carry. That gets at trust … trust from day one. I
feel badly for anyone in this situation. To find out years into a
marriage that you were lied to about something as important as
this certainly serves to impact the entire marital relationship and
the sanctity upon which it was built. Like I said, I’m not a
marriage therapist, so I’m going to leave that one for the
My bottom line is this: have the conversation! Ask the questions
you need to have answered before the point in which you NEED to
know the answers!

1. Her online picture centers less on her facial beauty, she focuses
more on showing to the world her feminine possession and
endowment: bosoms, hips, hot body etc.
2. Her profile pictures do not in anyway 'synergies' with the various
locations as portrayed in the pictures: some of the pictures
conspicuously show her in different room locations and
arrangement (only those with critical pictural* analysis can spot
3. When you add her as a friend on Badoo or other social network, it
will take her nothing less than 30 minutes to reply your
message. (This shows that many clients are lined up online), and
even when she replies you, her reply sometimes is a let down from
your painstakingly written introduction.
4. When you tell her you are interested in her and you would love to
be her friend, she goes like, "Friend as in, what do you want?".
Some of them after accepting your friend request would simply
reply to your numerous questions with this sentences: Badoo -
'What is your desire?' BBM - 'What do you want from me?'
Facebook - 'What can you offer?' and on it goes...
5. She only gives you little attention when you lie to her that you
work with some of the well known and respected companies and
business brands in Nigeria.
6. When you try to see how naughty she can be by sending her lewd
and raw messages, she simply replies your message with this, 'till
you come'.
7. She is a sleeping devourer who only gets awakened and alerted by
money and all the good things that come with it.
You can add yours if you know any. But sha, I still think are far more
better than those who give it for free.

NastyGist Readers: We appreciate your visits to this blog that's why we are updating this blog just to entertain you.
Please do comment on topics affter reading, it will encourage us to do more
Good News: There will be prizes for top commentators here and also anonymous readers every year ending so we are starting next year being 2014 you are advice to comment with your google account name or paste your name at the end of your comment to help us gather info about our top readers........... for the prize to be won,
Mean while there will be contest of top readers, so every week end you are to send your picture to every weekend
note : we only upload pic according to the readers that was able to sent their own early enough.
You to send it by 7pm every saturdat,
We have a lot of goodies to unleash I hope you enjoy the best of it, one more thing........
Please do invite your friends and family to this fast growing blog
Elvis Marshal

While America's elected officials have whiled their days away
bickering about budgets, the prime minister of the U.K. has had
his hands full—with a war on pornography. Unfortunately,
some of the country's sex ed, porn addiction and domestic abuse
resources are collateral damage .
Because of course a giant porn filter wasn't going to work.
David Cameron's campaign against adult content comes on the
heels of a major national scandal about BBC personality Jimmy
Savile , who allegedly abused hundreds of children over the
years. Cameron has stepped up efforts to block child
pornography and got explicit content blocked on public Wifi
But Cameron has also strong-armed the country's major
Internet service providers into creating filters requiring any
adult who wants to see pornography to opt in. TalkTalk, Sky
and BT all have filters up and running, while Virgin plans to
launch its own next year.
BBC's Newsnight took the filters for a spin, however, and found
they're blocking more than pornography. TalkTalk blocked sites
including, an award-winning sex ed site, as well as
the Edinburgh Women's Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre. On top
of that, it failed to block 7 percent of the 68 sites Newsnight
tried. Sky's filter blocked 99 percent of pornographic results —
but also six porn-addition sites.
BT blocked Sexual Health Scotland and two sites dedicated to
domestic abuse support. What keywords are they even using
"It's really frustrating because I'm trying to provide a sex
education site for young people and it's hard enough directing
young people to good quality information on the internet," said's Justin Hancock. Now, now, Justin, we can't have
teens getting their info from anywhere but whispered locker-
room conversations.
Spokespeople for all three ISPs basically said "whoops!" TalkTalk
used the old "there is no silver bullet" excuse, Sky said it's
"quick and easy" to unblock "misclassified sites" and BT says
it'll "investigate any concerns." Because that's what a tween
wants to do while trying to get accurate sex ed info without an
awkward chat with mom—call their ISP.
In short, there's probably no way to build these filters so they
actually work worth a damn, and the whole idea is essentially a
Monty Python skit. Can't wait to see what gets blocked when the
U.K. government adds "extremist sites" to the to-do list.

It's 12/19, so if you celebrate the annual commercial orgy that
is Christmas and you haven't gotten something for the special
lady in your life, you're in trouble. Luckily, here is disgraced
Toronto mayor Rob Ford riding to your rescue!
He recommends: "Women love money. Give 'em a couple
thousand bucks and they are happy." Yes, it's that simple:
Women love money. Love it. Cannot get enough of that money.
Racks on racks on racks, preferably.
According to the National Post , that's what he told the fellas at
the D.C. radio show The Sports Junkies, where he makes regular
appearances. (It's not like he's governing Toronto right now.) He
added that this is the approach he usually takes with his own
"At the end of the day, she wants her cash, so I give her a
nice cheque and we're all happy," Ford said about his
little-seen wife, Renata Ford. "She says 'Honey, I want
Ford said he would give her the money with a "nice
basket with flowers with a bit of this and that." He earlier
suggested dresses and perfumes as options.
Yeah, if you take gift-giving advice from Rob Ford, you are a
damn fool.
(Foreign Gist)

Jude Okoye is back to attending concerts with his star brothers
They are all currently in Niamey, Niger on their world tour for
a concert which will hold at the Seyni Kountche Stadium in Niamey on
21 December.
On their arrival, the star twins were given a royal treatment.
More pics after the cut


your lifetime you
will run into lots of
advice about how to
“catch” a man, how
to “be attractive” to
men, how to “keep”
a man…the list goes
on. Can I tell you
right now that that
advice is pure and
total crap? Sure, you can follow those instructions and “catch”
yourself a man, but if you’ve followed said advice, is he really
going to be the man you want? Because if a man has to be caught
like a bass fish then you might consider setting him free, and
instead look for a partner; not a fish. As you constantly tell me:
“Just sayin’.”
So here, my wonderful girl, are some qualities that I think should
be non-negotiable for the man who is lucky enough to be a partner
in your life.
1. Don’t bother with a man who you think cares about you but
can’t show you or say so. If he can’t tell you how much he loves
you, then he’s not going to be able to handle the big
conversations that are required for a healthy, long-term
relationship. Not to mention that you deserve to hear words that
relay love and affection throughout your entire life.
2. Don’t even think of spending more than a few hours with a man
who isn’t every bit as interested in you as you are in him.If you’ve
gone on a couple of dates with him and he hasn’t asked you any
questions about you, run like an ax-murderer is chasing you.
RUN! The best relationships are filled with mutual respect and
mutual interest in each other’s lives. Self-centeredness is truly one
of the worst qualities you can find in a potential mate.
3. If a man says he wants to take care of you, I’m suggesting you
move on . You are not a fragile doll to be cared for — and neither is
he. Loving couples take care of each other because they are
partners in life.
4. A man who is completely focused on your appearance might be
enticing at first… but don’t do it. Of course you want him to be
attracted to you and you to him, but if he’s only about your
breasts, he’s unlikely to value how brilliant, clever, and funny you
are. Do you want your breasts to be the focus of your relationship
until the end of time? (I don’t).
5. Don’t spend your time with a man that you want to change as
soon as you can. if you can’t live with his bad habits or qualities
now, then you shouldn’t be with him in the future. He will only
change if and when he wants to.
6. Finally, don’t ever settle for a man who only offers you crumbs
of love. You will go through life starving. Love fully and
completely and don’t settle for anything less in return.
Don’t let loneliness or insecurity dictate whom you love. That
won’t be real or satisfying — it will be filling a deficit in your life.
Find a man from a place of security and confidence so that you
don’t feel you need him to “complete” you, but rather you want
him to be the person you love and who loves you back.

Nigerian doctors Yesterday began a 5-day warning strike following a
21-day ultimatum issued weeks ago to the federal government,
demanding pay rise, improved welfare, infrastructure and other benefits
which was promised to them.
The President of the Nigerian Medical Association, Dr Osahon
Enabulele said this is the first phase of the strike, that the second
phase would be effective after the yuletide if there are no favorable
All doctors in public hospitals this Yesterday morning retrieved their

A crucial meeting between key government offices concerning the
Central Bank of Nigeria declaration that the Nigerian National
Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has failed to remit to the Federation
Account the sum of $49.8 billion between 2012 and 2013 has
concluded that only about $10.8 billion appears to be unaccounted
That figure was referred to only as a “shortfall” in domestic crude oil
In a “summary of findings” issued after the meeting, which lasted
until 2a.m,” the group said the $10.8 billion “shortfall” was
acknowledged by NNPC but that the corporation at the same time
disputed its magnitude.
“This shortfall has been acknowledged by NNPC, but the magnitude of
the shortfall is still disputed by NNPC. The shortfall is explained to be
the result of subsidy claims, unrecovered crude/product losses, and
cost of strategic petroleum storage (which is currently not captured in
the PPPRA template for refunds). This figure is also well-known to all
stakeholders at the Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC),
and is reported and updated on a monthly basis. However, all parties
concerned are working assiduously through the ongoing
reconciliation efforts to resolve this.”
A source at the meeting told Sahara Reporters that the overriding
reason the institutions resolved that not to drag the issue further is
because the NNPC and the Minister of Petroleum Resources managed
to“convince” those at the meeting that the monies had somehow been
The NNPC, meanwhile, admitted at the meeting that Nigeria’s
earnings from crude oil exports over the period in question were
$67.12 billion: $1.79 billion higher than the revenues reported by the
The discrepancies leaked through a letter written to President
Goodluck Jonathan by CBN Governor, Sanusi Lamido, which was first
published by Sahara Reporters. Since the letter leaked to the media,
Sanusi has been put under immense pressure by President Goodluck
Jonathan and the Minister of Petroleum Resources, Diezani Allison-
Our source said that despite the bogus accounting undertaken by the
NNPC, the agency could still not account for as much as $12 billion
from proceeds of crude oil lifted and sold on behalf of Nigeria.

The sign translator at Nelson Mandela's Memorial Service, who was
accused of being fake, and making up his own signs, has been
admitted to a psychiatric hospital, local media report.
Thamsanqa Jantjie's wife reportedly took him to a psychiatric
hospital near Johannesburg for a check-up on Tuesday December
18th, and the doctors suggested that he be admitted immediately,
Johannesburg's The Star newspaper reports.
"The past few days have been hard. We have been supportive
because he might have had a breakdown," Mrs Jantjie is quoted
as saying.
Meanwhile the company which employed him to interpret at the
memorial have reportedly 'vanished'

Dr Daniel Olukoya-led Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries church,
MFM, will today Dec. 19th begin a crusade to close down all beer
parlor outlets in Lagos and turn them into their praying centres. Well,
that's their plan, they can only try. Lol
The church says it took the decision to close down beer parlors
because alcohol consumption & crime go hand in hand. They say the
action would ultimately help depopulate the kingdom of darkness.
Ogba, Ikeja is their kickoff base, so all you beer drinkers in that area,
make una get ready. Hehe.
Speaking on the strategy to be adopted, Pastor Aderemi Oseni,
Regional Pastor for Region 32 MFM Ogba, Lagos, he said;
"We want to convert beer parlours into our praying centres. At
the end of the crusade, the kingdom of darkness would be
depopulated completely. I am aware that powers of darkness
have converted major roads to shines in this environment. We
want to pull down all shrines".
The crusade, tagged 'Overcoming The Storm' will begin today 19

Former Glo ambassador and one of Yoruba film leading actors,
Odunlade Adekola has gone back to school to acquire a degree. The
actor is currently a 100 level student at the University of Lagos.
A source close to the actor said his decision to go back to school is
as a result of many opportunities that he has lost over the years due
to his lack of a university degree.

The first time Gregg Casarona ever had sex, the walls didn’t just
shake — they shattered.
The 200kg project manager was 21 at the time and had been dating
his girlfriend Jen Gerakaris for about a month when they decided to
take things to the next level.
According to new TLC series “Sex Sent Me to the ER,” premiering Dec.
28, Jen was 22 and living in
her parents’ Long Island basement at the time.
She made her move by stripping down to her bra and panties and
waiting on her bed until Gregg got the hint.
She said:
“I knew Gregg was a virgin and I honestly didn’t care.
We were dating for a little while and he hadn’t put any moves on
me yet so I made a move.”
When things began to heat up, very fat 200kg Gregg thrust 55kg Jen
backwards with all 440 pounds of his girth. And Jen’s head went
right through the basement’s sheet-rock wall.
“My initial reaction was, ‘I killed her,’ ” Gregg tells The Post.
“‘This is my first time. And Jen is dead.’”
After a couple of terrifying seconds, Jen slowly pulled her head out of
the wall and looked at Gregg incredulously.
“Why’d you stop?” she asked.
“He looked like he was about to have a heart attack,” she says.
“So I just wanted to lighten the mood.”
But Gregg was shaken and insisted on taking his lover, who started to
become dizzy and nauseous, to the hospital.
She was diagnosed with a concussion.
Although Gerakaris and Casarona were shy about telling the doctors
and nurses about what caused her injury, the pair will be sharing their
tale on TLC.
After bringing down the house, the couple says they were a little bit
more careful about their positioning during sex.
In the beginning, there were lots of pillows and we didn’t do it
anywhere near a wall,” Jen says.
The couple stayed together for four more years after their ER trip and
remain close friends today.
Gregg, now 28, has since dropped 220 pounds and Jen, now 29, has a
new beau who knows about that wild night.
“I was friends with him before and, of course, our friends know
the story,” Jen says. “It’s a story we always tell over drinks.”
“But our families? No, they don’t know,” Jen says with a
laugh.“My parents didn’t even know about the wall. I had Gregg
fix it and thank God I still had matching paint.”