Science Says Drinking is Good For You, So Get Guzzling

Okay, fine, science has never once said that guzzling alcohol
with wild abandon is healthy. But guzzle it in moderation and
you are basically moderately from the pierced artery of
a unicorn, guaranteeing yourself success and longevity.
According to science.

According to Mother Jones , a team of researchers from Oregon
Health & Science University trained twelve rhesus macaques —
a species of monkey with a very similar immune system to our
own — to drink a 4 percent ethanol cocktail. They then
vaccinated the monkeys against small pox and split them into
two groups. One group was given access to the cocktails (OPEN
BAR!!!) and the other was given sugar water. Some of the
monkeys at the alcohol science party got drunk all day,
consistently displaying BACs higher than 0.08, while others
chose to drink moderately, resulting in BAC levels between 0.02
and 0.04. (Interestingly, this indicates that variable drinking
behavior is not unique to humans.)

After seven months, the monkeys received a second booster shot.
The heavy-drinking monkeys failed to produce the antibodies
that the body usually makes in response to vaccination, which
one would expect from someone who just went hard at a 7-
month-long open bar. Surprisingly, though, the moderately
drinking monkeys experienced an increase in immune response
— responding even better than the non-drinking control group.
Conclusion: moderate drinking may improve your immune
system. Now you have a scientifically-sound justification for
your desk beer. You are welcome.

posted from Bloggeroid