15 Reasons to Date a Lawyer (Dating Advice)

Ignore all of those cynical lawyer jokes. There are plenty of amazing
things about attorneys…here are just 15 of them!

1. Quoting your date will make you sound smarter: “My boyfriend is
a lawyer and he says…”

2. Your mom and dad will be impressed. Plus: A lawyer in the family
is always a good thing!

3. Most lawyers are fantastic dressers. (Yes, there’s more than one
suit in his/her closet.)

4. Lawyers are financially secure.

5. Lawyers know how to present themselves well – and up the
charm. Your date will likely make a great impression with your
friends and colleagues.

6. Your date will stand up for you, even when you’re wrong.

7. Lawyers are often invited to interesting social events. Most of
them include an open bar.

8. Lawyers are very experienced negotiators and excel at conflict

9. Like to debate? Your date is always up for that type of challenge.

10. Lawyers have good memories – or at least good note-taking

11. Speaking of note-taking, there will be plenty of free legal pads
lying around.

12. Your date will have interesting law-school stories (and lots of life
experience). As a general rule, lawyers work hard and play hard.

13. Lawyers are eloquent, articulate and very insightful when it
comes to reading another person’s character.

14. Eloquence is sexy. So are briefcases.

15. If you ever need your partner’s services, he/she will work
especially hard for you.

Why else should one date a lawyer?