How To Know A Guy Loves You Without Him Saying It (MUST SEE)

He may lean in closer when you’re discussing
important topics or nod when you say
something poignant, showing how much your
words mean to him.

1. Passionate, Long-Lasting Kisses:

Who doesn’t love an excellent, lengthy kiss?
When he’s continuously initiating these and you
can feel the passion each time he does, it is
clear that he’s more than just a little excited to
be around you.

2. His Friends Love You:

If all his buddies are starting to warm up to
you and truly seem to enjoy your company, it
could be because they know how happy you’re
making their friend — thus making them start
to find you as awesome as he does.

3. Close Personal Distance:

You know how it’s unnerving when somebody
you’re not interested in gets close to you? It’s
the complete opposite when someone you adore
tends to be closer in distance than he is to other

4. Smiling After Kissing:

Sure, you can have a little sweet smile after
kissing someone whose company you enjoy, but
do you ever just feel like positively beaming
when it’s someone you love? If you catch
him grinning after your kisses all the time, it’s
a great sign that he truly enjoys your company.

5. He Listens Intently:

While he might not be saying much when it
comes to your relationship and his feelings
about it, the fact that he listens closely when
you’re talking is incredibly significant. He may
lean in closer when you’re discussing important
topics or nod when you say something poignant,
showing how much your words mean to him.

6. Upright Posture:

Most of us tend to slouch and have poorer
posture than we should. However, if you’re
trying to impress the person you care about
most and want him or her to be most attracted
to you, you’re going to stand or sit straight up.

7. Hand Squeezing:

I once had a relationship with a guy who loved
holding my hand and would occasionally
squeeze it tightly when we were cuddling or out
with friends, but hated any other kind of cutesy
couple-like act. I always wondered why he was
so opposed, but then I realized that every time
he squeezed my hand, he was trying to say, “I
love you” in a quiet, simple way.

8. Calling (Or Texting) For No Reason:

Not all people do this when in love, so don’t
take it personally if he doesn’t. That said, it’s a
sign that he feels comfortable with you in non-
romantic situations as well as the obvious ones,
and that he’s thinking of you throughout the

9. He Sticks Around:

Does he like to do activities together for no
reason? For example, rather than just wanting
to meet up at a dinner party, he’d rather go
grocery shopping with you beforehand so the
two of you can make a dish to bring together.
Simply doing household things shows an
interest in being closer than just casual daters
or sex partners.

10. Eye Contact Often:

When you’re at a bar with friends, does he
glance across the room just to make eye contact
briefly and smile at one another? This indicates
how, even when you two are doing different
things, he still wants you to be aware of how
much he cares.

11. Hair Ruffling:

When people are nervous, they tend to run
their fingers through their hair more often than
normal. Does he do this when the pair of you
are in close proximity to one another and it’s
a romantic moment? If so, it could show that
he wants to say something intimate but can’t
find the words.

12. Mirrored Behavior:

Does he tend to take bites of his food at the
same time as you or do other things similarly?
He could be displaying isopraxism, the
matching or behaviors that couples tend to do
when becoming closer together.

13. Meaningful Gifts:

When I say ‘meaningful,’ I don’t mean
‘expensive’; I mean that he spends effort and
puts serious thought into finding you something
that truly fits your personality to a T. I had one
guy give me three pairs of socks: one with a
crazy cute pattern, one specifically for boots
and one for high heels. The week prior, I had
gotten a blister on my foot due to not having
thick enough socks for a pair of boots I had just
purchased, so it was super sweet and a clear
indication of his listening skills that he

14. Frequent Laughing:

Does he find you funny and can’t help but
giggle when you do something silly? As odd as it
sounds, the more often he laughs and finds you
hilarious, the more serious the level of interest
and excitement surrounding your relationship

15. Spontaneous Touching:

When you’re in a public place, does he put his
fingers on your back to keep you close by? Does
he hold your hand atop yours while you two
are in a restaurant? Random closeness via
touching shows that he wants to maintain
physical contact, even when it’s not intimate.

EXPOSED: Jennifer Lopez Tells A Fan Of Hers To Send Pictures Of His "Manhood" (LOOK)

Jennifer Lopez is being sued by Rodrigo Ruiz, a
fan who’s also an Aspiring singer who claims
the singer tricked him into sending her pictures
of his penis in order to score a record deal. He
also alledged the 44-year-old JLO promised to
help him further his music career if he sent her
naked photos of himself with his demo CDs.

In the court documents, obtained by TMZ, Ruiz
claims that Lopez sent him a series of letters
from 2008 that he says made him believe that
he had a chance of romance with her. He
claims he was left suffering from depression and
was forced to seek counselling when Lopez
failed to deliver on her apparent promises.
First of the three letters said, “I just wanted to
let you know that I do remember you and that I
am interested in you. I have plans on leaving
my husband. But I can’t say much right now so
that’s it for now. Send me pictures of you both
with clothes and without clothes.” Lopez and
Anthony split in July 2011 and their divorce
was finalized the next year. The second letter
that the singer allegedly sent Ruiz read, “This is
Jennifer Lopez writing to you again and just to
let you know that I got your packages, music,
and demos. And just to let you know you need
to send me pictures of you with and without
Lopez went on dating her dancer Casper Smart.
Third letter said, “This is Jennifer Lopez and as
you can tell its been a while since I last wrote
and as you can see I have a new boyfriend
which means your in for the long haul and you
have to put up with the fact that I am fking
him and sucking his d
Investigations carried out shows the owner of
the post office box where the letters originated
from is a 53-year-old woman who said she ran
a Jennifer Lopez fan mail exchange.
He is asking for $10,000 in damages from the
suit. Ruiz also filed a police report claiming
that he was a victim of sexual harassment.
A representative for Lopez has dismissed the
suit as a “desperate” attempt by a fan with a
“hidden agenda”
“This is a small claims matter that appears to be
a desperate attempt for notoriety. Ms Lopez has
never seen or met the plaintiff, nor has she ever
communicated with him. We believe this matter
should be summarily dismissed,” he said.

Top 5 Of The Week > Nude Share Now Going Viral In Nigeria

Man Caught His Wife Dancing Completely N*ked In A Youtube Video

This is really unfortunate for this man to have
caught this woman.

They believed that she is in the states for a
genuine business… not knowing that she is a
club naked dancer

Cossy Orjiako Male Fan Send Her His Man Power With ''I LOVE U''

No matter how stupid a celeb is you will surely see crazy fan who can
do otherwise to them. see more photos after the cut

more pix

Happy Birthday Kelly Handsome ( NastyGist.Com) Wish You The Best

Happy Birthday Kelly Handsome ( NastyGist.Com) Wish You The Best

[Photo] Wizkid Gets A Kiss From Nadia Buari

Awww….Wizzy is really enjoying is weekend
The Starboy posted this photo on his Instagram page hanging out
with actress, Nadia Buari. He shared it with the caption “Me nd the
bestie @IamNadiaBuari waiting on our flight.”

My Husband Wants To Kill Me With S*x, Woman Cries Out

A 38-year old woman has sought the dissolution of her 12- year
old marriage before Ejigbo Customary Court in Lagos State,
southwest Nigeria over complaints that her husband was
demanding too much sex from her which could lead to her
The embattled wife, Mrs. Bose Bello, is seeking for the
dissolution of the marriage and compensation of N1.5 million to
move on with her life.
P.M.NEWS learnt that the marriage between the couple crashed
after the husband, Kayode threw Bose out of their matrimonial
home in Egbe, Lagos and brought in his mistress because the
wife could not cope with his alleged insatiable sexual demands.
Bose admitted in court that her husband, Kayode, has high libido
and was always demanding for sex which she could no longer
cope with.
The mother of two children alleged that when she complained to
her husband that he “might sex her to death” with the way he
was always demanding for sex, Kayode threw her out of their
matrimonial home over flimsy excuses and brought in his lover
identified as Kate Ugwu, whom he is now living with as his wife.
The mother of two children said the problem started when her
husband started complaining that she was not satisfying his
sexual demands despite her patience and endurance to always
satisfy him because she knew he likes having sex a lot.
She said she was always afraid to go home and preferred to stay
in her shop but her husband will come for her and force her to
return home.
Bose claimed that anytime she returns home her husband will
not allow her to rest before demanding for sex.
She claimed that her husband later threatened to bring his
mistress to their home and he did so. She alleged that at a point
her husband was making love to both of them in their
matrimonial home.
Bose said when she complained, he threw her out of their
matrimonial home and locked her shop, claiming that in the
process all the food items she was selling expired and she was
left with nothing to start her business again.
The embattled wife told the court that when her husband first
threw her out of the house, their families brought them together
to settle the matter.
Bose alleged that when she returned home, her husband
continued to threaten her whenever she protested that he was
demanding too much sex from her.
“Every minute he returned from work, he will be talking about
sex, sex, sex! and I cannot not cope with it. When I complained,
he threatened me and asked me to leave the house.”
She said she was tired of the relationship because of the
maltreatment and does not love him any longer and wanted to
quit the marriage.
She also asked the court to compel him to pay her N1.5 million
so that she would start a new life. In response, Kayode denied
the allegations but admitted that he asked her to leave because
of her behaviour.
He told the court that no man can tolerate what she did to him,
claiming that she called him a ritualist and told him that he
wanted to kill her as he did to his first wife.
Kayode told the court that he married Bose after his first wife
who had two children for him died. He claimed that he started
having problem with Bose when she told him that she wanted to
cook separate food for his late wife’s children.
He said hhe had to send her away because of the safety of those
children. He admitted that he has a lover whom he married after
Bose left, claiming that his new wife gives him peace and rest of
Kayode also said he is no longer interested in the marriage with
Bose and told her to go in peace. On the issue of compensation,
he said he was not ready to do that.
The court adjourned the matter till 27 January for judgment.

How Catholic Church is Corrupting the Gospel of Jesus Christ ––Pastor Chris Okotie

Pastor Kris Okotie of the Household of God Church tells Punch's
Gbenro Adeoye in this interview why he still wants to run for president
despite his three failed attempts and why he splashed over N150m on
two luxury cars recently. The issue about the Catholics was also
addressed again...
What’s your thought about Chief Olusegun Obasanjo’s letter to
President Jonathan? Like I mentioned in that piece, I don’t want
to get involved in the presidential skirmishes; but it is common
knowledge that I admire President Olusegun Obasanjo as the
greatest leader that Nigeria has ever had. He is the ipsissimus of
the Nigerian genitive nuance, that is, the personification of the
untapped uniqueness of the Nigerian seed.
Why did you describe Obasanjo like this? Is it not ironic because
not a few Nigerians feel he was part of the problem of Nigeria?
The perception of the Obasanjo persona is always predicated on
conjecture and political superstition. Many do not have the
necessary comprehension of the complexities of political
leadership; hence, their uninformed and misguided classification
of the great leader (Obasanjo) . Africa needs an amalgam of
strong institutions and strong men. Obasanjo is a strong man.
He possesses the intrinsic determination which galvanises wilful
What informed your recent write-up titled ‘2014: Relevance Of A
Paradigm Shift’? Is it a prelude to announcing your intention ahead of
2015 presidential election? No, I started writing for the media,
(including a contribution to Punch) about a year ago. This article is
just one of my regular write-ups. It has nothing to do with my
presidential ambition. That said, I will run in 2015, God willing.
Has God spoken to you yet about contesting for the election or not?
God spoke to me about my participation in the political process,
which was why I took the step in the first place. He has not said
anything contrary.
Why do you still want to contest knowing that you have not always
secured reasonable votes to become president? Besides, elections in
Nigeria have not always been free and fair. You said it. The elections
have always been rigged, everybody knows that and that is why it is
incorrect to say I have not always secured the votes required to win.
Why do you think your previous shots at the presidency failed?
I can sum it up in one word - Rigging by the PDP. Even one of the
party’s stalwarts, Chief Adeseye Ogunlewe, told PUNCH recently that
all elections have always been rigged. So that answers the question.
If you are contesting in 2015, what will you be doing differently and
what should Nigerians expect?
I don’t want to disclose that now because of my previous experience.
Someone out there could steal our strategy.
Each time you say God instructs you to contest, people always have
the impression that you ought to win if you are truly directed by God,
how come you have not been getting majority votes? These election
questions are inter-related. If they didn’t rig, then I could have won.
Apart from election malpractices, the duty of a servant of God is to
obey his master when he gives him instructions, irrespective of
whether he fails or succeeds. Like Moses in the Bible, who kept
fighting until Pharaoh released the Israelites.
Since FRESH Party has been proscribed by INEC, are you planning to
join PDP or APC to contest for the election in 2015? We won a court
victory against the de-registration of our party in June last year. So I
will still run on the FRESH Democratic Party platform, God willing.
Do you think Nigerians take you serious because some of them
describe you as a serial contender? Some of them wonder whether you
heard God right? Those who opine that my presidential ambition is a
dramatic serialisation of a political whim are indeed the unintelligent
who seek to fathom the Okotie enigma. I consider such people a
necessary comic relief from the tedium of the day. Why would I
jeopardise my life, deplete my domestic economy, engage political
rascals, hoodlums and brigands and threaten the stability of my
ecclesiastical responsibility if I’m not fully persuaded that this is a
heavenly calling? My only reply to these gainsayers is, delay is no
In the recent write-up that was earlier mentioned, you wrote that the
realignment of political forces always comes with a big bang but has
never taken us to the Promised Land, are you saying that the APC will
go down like the mergers we have had in the past? Mergers hardly
work in this country. Our political maturity is still too low to allow the
kind of coalition that the people envisage. Even though I have my
fears on the latest effort by the opposition, I believe APC can still pull
it off given the chance.
You are from the South- South as President Jonathan. Why are you
contesting instead of supporting his re-election bid? The constitution
guarantees me that right. Besides, why should I support Jonathan?
Why can’t he support me? Moreover, I do not believe in the myopic
concept of regional xenophobia. Nigeria deserves the best.
Some of your fans believe it was a tragedy to have left music at the
time you did, do you agree?
No. I left music for a higher calling. Thank God I did. I still play
music in church.
Some still believe that you might stage a comeback, is that feasible?
Well, only time will tell. With God all things are possible.
Are you planning to make gospel music?
I have not given it a thought yet.
You look quite young for your age, what’s the secret?
I have often said that if you want to look young, win souls for Jesus
Christ. Moreover, I belong to the Methuselah clan. God made him the
oldest man in the Bible so that he could witness for Him. It follows
from that logic; if you want to live long and look young, win souls.
How will you sum up your experience in ministry in the last 30 years?
It is indeed a rare privilege and honour for which my gratitude to the
Lord Jesus Christ cannot possibly be expressed in words. Over the
course of my gospel career, I have come to realise that ministry apart
from winning souls, is all about service, really. It is probably the best
nursery and training ground for leaders in any sphere of human
endeavour. It is in ministry that the complex problems of humanity
stare you in the face. You encounter circumstances that only God
could handle because of their sheer complexity and bizarre nature.
You are a multifaceted human being. The musician, lawyer, pastor and
politician, how do you manage all these? I do by maintaining a
balance and I enjoy it.
You stirred up controversy when you said Catholics would go to hell.
Why did you say that?
It's because the church perverts the gospel of Jesus Christ and that
perversion is located in the leadership, even as Pope Francis recently
announced. However, there are many good Christians within the
Catholic Church who are not aware of the doctrine of the Roman
Catholic Church, that has substituted Mary for Jesus, in what is
known as the hyperdulia of the Virgin Mary . Salvation for them is not
through Jesus alone but in accordance with what Pope Francis
recently announced to the world. That, in itself, is a direct violation of
the sanctity of the scriptures.
You even described the Pope as “an anti-Christ and a friend of Satan”
and the Catholic Church is a counterfeit church set up by Satan. What
made you say this? The heresies in their doctrine and the recent
announcement by Pope Francis corroborate this position.
Are you still planning to remarry?

PHOTOS: John Fashanu's Séxy Daughter Goes Topléss

Former Nigerian football, John Fashanu, has a beautiful daughter with
his ex-lover, Marisol Acuna, a Spanish model. Her name is Amal
Fashanu and she's 23, all grown up. Check out her hot photos

Amal is a TV personality and model based in the UK but she is in
touch with her dad, Fashanu. Cute babe!

How I Felt Kissing Kenneth Okonkwo ––Actress Chizzy Alichi

Actress Chizzy Alichi has all it takes to join the big girls
in Nollywood . Below is her words...

How was your first kiss in the movie?

I have done many kissing scenes with different actors. My first was
with Kenneth Okonkwo. It was awesome because I have always
admired him; he is my favourite actor so doing the kissing scene with
him was great and as a professional and nice guy that he is, he
carried me along very well.

To rise fast, can you do a pornographic movie?

Never. I can do any role but I can never go nude or act pornographic
film. I want to be a good role model and I will marry someday, give
birth to kids. How would they feel to see their mother act such a role?
My parents support me but not when it comes to pornography. I can
dress very sexy, extremely sexy to shoot a movie but not nude or be a
part of a pornographic movie.

Are you still a shy person?

Yes and no. When it comes to the camera, I have built myself around
it. I’m no longer shy because I love acting. I do it with passion. But
when it comes to my personal life, I am still a very shy girl.

Kim Kardashian Shares More Photos Of Baby North West

Proud mother-Kim Kardashian appeared on the The Ellen Degeneres
show today, after which she shared some cute photos of baby North
West, 7 months old.
While on The Ellen Degeneres show, Kim Kardashian talked about
motherhood, saying, “I’ve always wanted about six [kids]. After having
[North], I would have a million,” she told DeGeneres. “But the
pregnancy — I wouldn’t really wish that upon anyone.”
Kim Kardashian continued “I mean, it’s all worth it in the end, so I
would definitely suffer through that,” she clarified. “But pregnancy was
not a good experience for me. At all.”

Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde Featured On CNN | Talks About Childhood, Career & The Future

After having made it unto the BBC and several top media platforms,
Nigeria’s Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde has sat down with CNN African
Voices to talk about her childhood, career and the year’s ahead.

With Nollywood leading film-making in Africa and other industries fast
falling behind, we should embrace ourselves for those Nollywood
stars who work tireless day in and out to be recognized—and be given
such vibrant platforms.

Omotola is said to have appeared in over 300 movies and became the
first African celebrity to obtain 1 million fans (likes) on Facebook.

People Are Upset | Vanity Fair Accused Of Lightening Lupita Nyong’o's Skin Color

Fast rising actress-Lupita Nyong’o,30, of “12 Years A Slave” fame
who has already scored a Golden Globe nomination, Oscars
nomination, a few magazine covers has become a victim of skin
lightening by Vanity Fair—this is what some section of the public are
upset about.
Beautiful Lupita who is originally from Kenyan has been featured in
February’s issue of Vanity Fair and ahead of the release, Vanity Fair
tweeted a photo from the feature.
The photo which is far from the beautiful dark colour of Lupita seems
lightened or at least, the photo shoot was given excessive light to
make the actress look lighter than we know her to be.

FIPAG Bans Showing Of Ghanaian Movies In Buses | What About The Barber Shops, Hair Salons & Restaurants?

According to multiple online reports, the Film Distributors and
Producers Association of Ghana (FIPAG) will ban the showing of
Ghanaian movies in buses from February 1, 2014—and any bus owner
or driver who will continue to show these movies will be arrested.
Showing movies in buses, aeroplanes or at several commercial places
in itself is not an offense, provided you have the required licence or
authority to do so.
Considering the fact that many of these long bus journey passengers
derive a little bit of comfort and entertainment from these movies, it
would be profitable for both FIPAG and these bus drivers to come to
an agreement where FIPAG would issue the latter with licences under
a payment scheme.
If not, these drivers will continue showing these movies and employ
all tactics to avoid FIPAG from catching up on them.

PHOTO: Hairy Boobs Alert (You Like?)

what else?

Afrocandy 42-yr-Old Mother Of Two Openly Begs For S*x Of Twitter

Tonto Dikeh Speaks About Anti-g*y Law – Blast Jonathan

The anti-g*y topic that was passed into law in Nigeria recently
has caused many topics on social networks, social media as
many celebrities have come out on their opinion.

Tonto Dike, One of the most controversial actress in Nollywood
has shocked her fans again via her Facebook page.
Read what she updated below:-

By the Power in me, I hereby Ban g*y/lesbians Marriage
Relationship in Nigeria, anyone caught in this Act will be
sentence to 14-Years Imprisonment..
This makes me laugh, When are gonna hear “Nigeria will now
have Good Road, Electricity for 24hours” Rather than hearing
this Nonsense.. Remember what you were Voted for Mr

wow making brain

RAUNCHY PHOTOS: SEE What Rihanna Wears As She Bathes In A Pond

This is coming after Rihanna posed naked for
Vogue Brazil in Beach Photoshoot .
The 25-year-old who is not bothered about what
anyone thinks left little to the imagination in
the revealing one-piece.

Photos: Chinedu, Osita & Mr Ibu At Obizi Village Footbal Competition

Ifedi Josiah Foundation in conjunction with John
Okafor (Mr Ibu), Osita Iheme and Chinedu Ikedieze
(Aki and paw paw) at the celebration of the Obizi
indigent women and Obizi youth village football
competition held in Mbaukwu, Awka South LGA,
Anambra state on the 1st of January 2014.

nice I guess

Princess Opens Up On Collapsed Marriage READ

In December 2013, comedienne Princess publicly
announced the end of her 7-months marriage. In a
new interview with Encomium mag, princess broke
her silence on the collapsed marriage and said the
press, especially bloggers wanted her marriage to
collapse. Excerpts below...

There were some allegations that you
were oppressing him financially. They
cited an example of both of you in a
restaurant where you made it obvious
to everyone present that you were the
one paying for what the two of you
had eaten?

They were there abi? People can say
anything. It doesn't matter. The truth
is the truth. I did not discuss my
marriage breakup with anybody except
what I just told you. I am a celebrity,
the other person is not a celebrity, so
what do you expect? Any person can
just sit down and start writing what
you just told me without even knowing
me. If Kanye West was dating a non
celebrity and not Kim Kardashian,
they will say the same thing. So if I
wanted to make the reason public, I
would have made it myself. But it is
not necessary, marriage is between a
couple. We did not take our marriage
vow on the street. We took it before
God. Me, I am not afraid of man. I am
also afraid of God. Anything that
happened between God and a couple
is sacred. There is no need itemizing
the reasons. What is that going to do?
Is it going to make the other party
happy? Is it going to make us happy?
So it is between the person (husband),
I and God.

Really I dont owe anybody the reason why my
marriage broke up but they can sit down and start
drawing up reasons for themselves. That is their
problem. They have God to answer to. The most
authentic news is the one you get from the source.
I didn't want people to be speculating because I
was already hearing many rumors, bla bla bla,
even when we were still together trying to make it
work. They kept on writing what they were not
sure of. I remember there were times he would
ping to say he see what they wrote again.
The press, particularly the so-called bloggers,
many of whom are not credible kept on writing
things that were not happening at all. That is why
I said now that the marriage has crashed, I hope
they are now happy.
I know few press men who are true to their
professional ethics would not be happy with it
(breakup) but the other ones that are not true to
their professional ethics are the ones writing
things that do not exist. But they are not God and
cannot be more than God.

ADULTERY IN IMO STATE: Mother Of Two Stripped Nak£d, Sent Back To Father

Umuozu, Nwangele LGA, Imo State - A mother
of two was stripped naked and conveyed in a
wheelbarrow to her father's house for alleged
involvement in adultery and causing her
husband's untimely death.

The young woman is a widow and a second wife
to an indigene of Eshiukwu in Nwangele LGA.
She was put in a wheelbarrow naked with her
two children, driven around villages, while
youths chanted war songs. The woman was
finally returned to her father's compound in a
nearby community known as Isiala.
The eyewitnesses said the woman was a well-
known "serial adilteress" and was deeply
involved in it "for material satisfaction."
Apparently, the woman was caught fornicating
just a couple of days after her husband's death.
Furthermore, she was accused of causing her
husband's untimely end. He died from a bloated
stomach after suffering for months. The woman
used the money she got from her sexual
partners to feed her family, which, according to
the villagers, is a taboo.
The villagers allege she may have gotten into
the mess due to poverty. One eyewitness
confirmed that such act could send a man to an
early grave, and blamed the woman for not
paying her late husband any respect by going
after her lovers shortly after the man's demise.

Popular Female Nigerian Video Vixen Poses Completely Nud£ In New Photos (LOOK)

Nigerian sexy video Vixen named Voney is set to
launch a sizzling 18+ blog that features
celebrity sex_capades and behind the scene
videos, the popular music video angel was once
featured on the hottie segment on this blog and
is ready to hit the net with controversial

see nud/e Pic below

Heartless Scammer Fleeces Divorcee Of $300,000 On A Christian Dating Site

A 66-year-old American woman looking for love online ended up
with a broken heart and a depleted bank account when she lost
$300,000 to a fake Nigerian suitor on a Christian dating site.
The San Jose divorcee met the Nigerian on Chris
falsely claiming to be an Irish citizen ‘David Holmes’, according to
the Santa Clara District Attorney’s Office.
‘Holmes’ said he worked on a Scottish oil rig, and his profile picture
turned out to be a picture of a male model downloaded from the
The two never met in person, but talked over the phone and ‘Holmes’
even sent the woman flowers. Eventually he convinced her to loan
him $300,000 for his oil business – funds she supplied from her
retirement account. To come up with the money, the woman had to
dip into her retirement account and refinance her house.
After wiring him an additional $200,000 to a bank in Turkey, the
woman got suspicious and informed the DA’s office.
Cherie Bourland of the fraud unit called the bank in Turkey and was
successfully able to freeze the funds before Holmes’ associate
Wisdom Onokpite showed up to withdraw the money, according to
CBS San Francisco.
Onokpite was arrested by the Turkish National Police on suspicion of
committing fraud.
The DA’s office traced ‘Holmes’ to Nigeria, but he remains free. While
the woman was able to get her $200,000 back, Ms Bourland says
there’s just a ’1 per cent’ chance she’ll recover the over $300,000
because ‘it’s just impossible to track down’ and federal authorities
won’t investigate losses below $1million.
Ms Bourland says reports of lost money on dating sites has been on
the rise, especially among the elderly since ‘studies show the ability
to make financial decisions is the first to be affected by aging.’ ‘You
get the love drug in you and you end up getting duped,’ she told the
San Jose Mercury News.
Dating site Chris’s slogan is “Find God’s Match for
You.” But the match the San Jose divorcee found was anything but

Funke Akindele Turns Into An Old Frustrated Woman In Movie Makeover [PHOTOS]

Still my favourite actress anyday!
Tthe actress shared this photo and captioned it:#gabazzinikoncept
just turned me into an old frustrated woman. #workmode
#ilovemyjob #filming

Phyno Denies Getting Artiste Rita Edmond Pregnant

Hip Hop artiste, Phyno, has denied having any relationship with Rita
Edmond, not to talk of getting her pregnant. In an interview with
Punch Phyno said:

“Believe it or not, I’ve never met or spoken to anyone by that
name. I haven’t made any woman pregnant either. If people need
three seconds of fame I’m glad that my name could help.”
Meanwhile, when E-Punch contacted Rita for her reaction, she was
evasive. After much persuasion,
she decided to open up. But she ended up saying:
“The only information I can give you is that I am in love with a
rap artiste. I don’t want to mention his name. Since different
stories are flying around, I am trying to understand where
everybody got their story from. Of course, I had a vacation in
Dubai and I am back in Nigeria.”

Photo oF thE dAY

laff out loud

LEAKED: Phone Thieves Accidentally Send Homemade P¤rn To Victim [SEE PHOTOS]

Victoria Brodsky's phone was stolen in New York a couple of months
ago, along with her wallet. Some time later, a number of photgraphs
of a nude couple started to appear in her online storage Dropbox
account, which automatically uploads photos from her phone.

Eventually, a video of the said couple having sex showed up, too.
Ms. Brodsky believes that they stole her phone. And apparently, the
woman does not find the pics appealing: "Sex looks very boring in
their house," she says. However, this might help the police to catch
the culprits.

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