What Your Sleeping Position Says About You. MUST READ

Brides, are you getting plenty of sleep? Catching
your zzzs is key during the stress of wedding
planning, and we say, how ever you're cramming
them in (a quick nap at the office, a snooze before
dinner, you name it), grand! Sleeping positions
and styles vary, and according to recent research
from the Sleep
Assessment and Advisory Service in London our
sleep preferences can say a lot about us. Here, the
most common sleep positions and what they
might tell you about your personality:

The Log Position:
If you lie still, and generally
sleep on your side, with both arms straight beside
you, you are what's known in the sleep community
as a "log sleeper." Good news for you: You are
most often easy going and sociable. However, you
may be prone to being a tad gullible, say some.

The Yearner Position:
People who sleep on their
side with both arms out in front can be suspicious
and cynical. They are more reserved, according to
data, and set high expectations for themselves.

The Fetal Position:
According to recent estimates,
as many as 41 percent of people prefer the curled-
up-into-a-ball fetal position when sleeping. Not
surprisingly, fetal-position sleepers tend to take
longer to warm up to new people and new
situations and are generally more cautious in

The Starfish Position:
Perhaps one of the most
rare sleeping position, the starfish position is
when you lie on your back with your arms draped
back over your head on the pillow. Generally open
and good listeners, starfish sleepers are believed
to be the most open and friendly.