9 ways to a healthy and long life

I decide to publish this post because I know everyone of you cares more about health, NastyGist is offering you the best to live long life

Editor : Elvis Emeafu

Focus on staying healthy, so you can be happy. And if you’re
happy, you’ll live more. Here’s how you can improve the
quality and quantity of life.

Let Get Going
Consider this simple equation: Long life + Good Health = Happiness

This is a simple self-explanatory equation and it is obvious that a
long life fraught with health problems can only be a burden to us
and our loved ones, which is why just longevity is not enough.
Successful aging is the new mantra, which includes good health,
independence and happiness. The pioneering study, “Successful
Aging,” sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation, USA, found that
while 30 per cent of aging depends on our genes, the balance 70
per cent is very much lifestyle-driven. This places a huge chunk of
responsibility for our longevity, in our hands. Like a retirement
fund, your deposits for longevity must start at a young age.

Presenting the 9-point plan to successful aging

1. Watch what you eat
Most of the stuff we love eating is not necessarily good for us.
While it is tough to remove all your favourite foods from your
diet, it is easier to substitute them gradually with healthier
alternatives. Simple food replacements can help you live a
longer, healthier life according to Dr Maoshing Ni [popularly
known as Dr Mao], anti-aging expert, doctor of Chinese medicine
and best-selling author of Secrets of Longevity—Hundreds of Ways
to Live to Be 100. Green tea for coffee, dried fruits and nuts for
fried snacks, brown rice for white rice, fish for red meat, olive oil
for butter, fruits for refined sweets and water for soda, even these
seven simple swaps can make a world of difference to your
longevity quotient. Complex carbohydrates, protein from
vegetarian or lean meat sources and healthy unsaturated fats are
the key foods to focus on.

2. Reduce your overall calorie intake

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association found that, in overweight people, a reduction in
daily calorie intake by up to 25 per cent led to a lower core
body temperature and lower fasting insulin levels. The Mayo
Clinic defines a calorie restriction [CR] diet for anti-aging as one
that involves eating fewer calories than your body needs to
maintain your normal weight — while still getting enough
vitamins and other nutrients. Some of the ill effects of such a diet
such as bone loss and reduced muscle mass can be combated by
regular physical activity along with calcium and vitamin D
supplements. Research also shows that lowering our calorie intake
has a positive effect on our blood pressure, blood sugar, body fat
percentage, cholesterol levels and body weight—all of which go
towards enjoying a healthier life. Reduced calories slow down the
metabolism, which possibly reduces the harmful free radicals
produced by the body. Instead of randomly cutting down calories,
consult a qualified nutritionist to chalk out a CR diet for you to
ensure that the vital nutrients are not compromised.

3. Stay active

It’s never too late to include physical activity as a part of your
daily routine. Anything that gets your heart rate up for 30
minutes a day can have numerous benefits starting from
weight loss to physical agility and mental wellbeing. The
effects of daily exercise on blood pressure, blood sugar and
many other ailments are well known. A study published very
recently in the British Medical Journal reports that “Increased
physical activity in middle age is eventually followed by a
reduction in mortality to the same level as seen among men with
constantly high physical activity. This reduction is comparable
with that associated with smoking cessation.”

4. Keep up your antioxidants supply
Cellular damage by free radicals is one of the major
contributors to aging and illnesses. Antioxidants found in
coloured fruits and vegetables, red wine, tea and dark
chocolate etc neutralise these free radicals. Micronutrients like
vitamins A, C, E, selenium and zinc also have antioxidant
properties. Research has shown that vitamin E reduces the risk of
heart disease. Oxidative damage by free radicals is present in
brains of patients with Alzheimer’s and age-associated
degenerative diseases. Those over 80 years of age showed greater
systemic oxidative stress and lower levels of antioxidants, such as
vitamin C and vitamin E while a study of Italian centenarians
showed that they had elevated blood levels of antioxidants.

5. Nurture relationships

Happily married men live an average six years longer than the
single guys. No surprises there as the women play a big role in
pushing men to take good care of their health. Research at the
University of California found that married men were 2.4
times more likely than unmarried men to take medical care,
so that too adds years to life. Spend genuine quality time with
your spouse. Don’t wait for Family Day or Mother’s Day to spend
time with your parents/grandparents or close family. They are
your best emotional support system and they won’t be around
Make time for games and chatting sessions with old friends. Your
siblings may be in different countries but technological advances
leave you with no excuses for not being in touch.
Even spending quality time with your pet can de-stress you,
leaving you happy and positive. Nurturing healthy relationships is
indeed a soothing balm for the soul.

6. Take care of your skin.

It’s not entirely vain to use moisturisers, sunscreens and get
facials. Irrespective of your gender, having a healthy skin is a
big confidence booster and looking good is a stepping-stone to
feeling good. Besides, using a sunscreen along with protective
clothing prevents sun-damage to the skin.
Excessive UV ray damage to skin, sallowness [sickly yellowish skin
colour], wrinkles and photoaged skin conditions make it more
prone to developing cancers.

7. Keep your mind active

Keep your mind ticking with stimulants like crossword
puzzles, sudoku or chess. Sign up for classes in your free time,
to learn something new, be it a language or a skill.
Neuropsychologist Yaakov Stern of Columbia University College
of Physicians and Surgeons followed 1800 older adults for up to
seven years and found that the more leisure activities they kept
busy with, the lower was their risk of developing Alzheimer’s—
even if it was just playing cards, visiting friends or watching
movies. Besides these, aerobic exercise and an antioxidant rich
diet also helps in keeping the brain razor sharp for many years to
De-stressing with a massage, regular weekend breaks, breathing
exercises, laughing out loud and sleeping well can all keep stress
from building up, leaving your mind in a peaceful, alert state.

8. Insure and save

The worry of having to land up in a hospital for a health
calamity and seeing your savings wiped off can cause enough
stress to block an artery.
So get your health insured early on in life, where you have to
pay a lesser premium to get maximum ailments covered, and
renew it without fail each year. Don’t wait for health problems to
develop before you insure yourself, or all your claims will get
caught in the net of ‘pre-existing diseases’.
When you retire, a kilo of potatoes may well cost over 100 Rupees,
so start saving today if you want to enjoy a financially
independent old age. Even if you don’t want to leave a large
inheritance for anyone, you can splurge on healthy food, health
supplements, good health care services and go around the world
in style with your savings.

9. Don’t ignore health checkups and preventive

We tend to overlook these for a variety of reasons—either
because the insurance doesn’t cover it, or you hate the sight of
blood, or you are of the opinion that ignorance is bliss. Think
of it this way—it is easier to bring down your cholesterol
levels today than getting a coronary bypass done 10 years
down the line.
Most ailments, from cardiovascular to cancer if detected early,
can be treated successfully. It has been seen that women are twice
as likely as men to go for regular health checks and screening,
and this is one of the reasons why they outlive the men. In fact, at
age 100, female/male ratio is 8:1.
A physical examination with blood pressure and ECG, followed by
some urine and blood tests is enough for a start. Depending on
these test results, your doctor might recommend more specific
tests, if required. While you are at it, schedule an appointment for
a dental check up too.

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