Séx Matters: Kiss, Kissing and Kisses

Healthy séx may need a lot of efforts but there are a
few things that can be very effortless as well as good
for couples’ séx life. Kissing is one of those
wonderful things that have several benefits. It
releases endorphins which make one feel happy. A
kiss can be the most effective way to express your
love for your spouse.

When you kiss someone, you make them feel loved;
you tell them how much you love them. Kissing can
be a handy pain killer; it releases adrenaline which
can reduce the feeling of pain. A kiss can help take
away one’s mind from pain and experience
something good. A kiss at the right time can boost
relationship or even take it to a new level. Never miss
a chance to let your spouse feel special and know
how much you love him/her with a kiss.
When we kiss, both men and women produce the
hormone oxytocin that causes us to bond. A kiss a
day boosts immunity against viruses. Kissing works
It helps get couples closer. A good kiss is a stress
buster. Cortisol, the stress hormone, is not only
dangerous to our immune system, it also decreases
endocrine hormone in the system and brain but sex
therapists have observed that kissing can lower the
cortisol levels. So kissing your spouse often helps
you fight stress. Nothing can be a better option for
foreplay and intimate moments than kissing. Kissing
ensures that both partners are on the right track to
some wonderful private moments. Lip locking,
another word for kissing, is one gesture couples
overlook and pay less attention to simply because
they do not know its benefits. Did you know that we
have different kinds of kiss?
Have you heard about butterfly kind of kiss? This is
not only delicate but cute. To do this, make sure your
faces are less than a breath away. Then open and
close your eyelids against your spouse’s cheek and
you would feel your heart fluttering with joy. Then we
have the cheek kiss which is one of the best. This
was actually the type of kiss you shared with your
spouse while you were still dating or in courtship.
With this type of kiss, your heart skips when your
crush comes over and bends to plant a kiss on your

You would recall that as you kissed your girlfriend
then, you were at the same time putting your hands
around her shoulder [ a sign of possession] and
softly touching her cheeks with your lips over and
over again.

Another type of kiss which couples enjoyed while still
dating but have now almost neglected is the Eskimo
type of kiss.

The kiss is an expression of subtle
intimacy. It involves two people standing so close to
each other. Nothing works more romantically than
altering the tune of breathing by rubbing each other’s
nose. This is most recommended for couples, but
unfortunately bad breath most times makes this very
The eye kiss is another type that many couples are
missing especially when they are not used to body
contact or open display of affection. With this type of
kiss, such challenge can be easily worked upon. This
is not the eyeball kiss that will put you or your
spouse at risk of infections, but one that is many
times tender and soulful. Hold your spouse’s head
with your hands. Slowly move their head in the
direction that you want to kiss and when your lips
have reached the eyes, plant a kiss.
I personally think that couples have fewer secrets to
hide when they look into each other’s eyeball
regularly. If you are a spouse that seldom have time
because of busy schedule, then what you need is the
eyelid kiss. With eyelid kiss, you will not need to feel
guilty anymore. All you need do is just plant one on
the eyelid. This is a very intimate kiss that your
partner would probably never come to know of unless
they are awake.

How about the earlobe kiss? All you need do is gently
plant kisses on the cheeks of your partner and move
towards his or her earlobe, then gently sip and suck
on the earlobes.

The finger kiss, you may already have done this with
your partner without really knowing that it is a type of
kiss in itself. The finger kiss involves gently rubbing
the partner’s fingers and sucking on them. This can
be surprisingly seductive and deeply passionate. This
is actually recommended for couples of all ages. A
good kiss is that subtle expression of intimacy.

A good kiss dropped on the cheeks of one’s spouse
is like refreshing morning dew but it takes two to
experience a good kiss.