SEE How TB Joshua Predicted The Missing Malaysian Plane

SEE How TB Joshua Predicted The Missing Malaysian Plane Prophet TB Joshua is one man that has continue to remain consistent with prophesies. If he says something, it is most likely that event will come to pass. This is another clear case. On June 28, 2013, TB Joshua foretold one of the biggest airplane "disasters" that will occur, specifically in an Asian country. In his Sunday’s sermon last year he narrated the following: “We have to pray, this is an Asian country. I will not mention any country, but God showed me the country. I am seeing a very big balloon. What is the cause of this? It was just about to take off and the fault started. “ It means they (engineers and pilots) could have discover it on the tarmac, but because of impatience . We are going to pray for them. I will see what I can do,” TB Joshua declares. Check out the video for yourself below... TB Joshua foretold that the catastrophe would be huge with 200 people. And the missing plane carried 200+