Top health habits to steal from women

When it comes to healthy living, both genders have their vices.
However, there are many instances where it can pay to steal some
habits from the opposite sex. To help give your health and fitness a
boost, check out these top health lessons men can learn from women.

Female health tip 1: Get to know your body

Although most men are more than familiar with their overall
appearance, many are less than vigilant when it comes to looking out
for signs of health changes and may pay less heed to their bodies’
signals than women. To keep your health in good condition it is
important to pay attention to your skin (making note particularly of
any changes in size, shape or color of moles) and perform self checks
for signs of testicular cancer. By getting to know your body, you will
start to become more intuitively aware of the state of your wellbeing.

Female health tip 2: Try a holistic exercise class
For a lot of men, exercise routines are focused exclusively on bulking
up and improving body shape. However, you may be missing out on
lots of the health benefits other more female-dominated forms of
exercise can offer. To help boost your mental and emotional
wellbeing , try supplementing your usual routine with a gentler holistic
exercise such as Pilates, yoga or Tai Chi. As well as keeping you
physically fit, these exercises have many great benefits such as
improving posture; increasing energy levels; boosting flexibility,
strength and stamina; improving concentration and reducing stress

Female health tip 3: Get checked out

Just as it is important to track any changes in your body, it is equally
as essential that you act on any possible symptoms by visiting your
doctor about any concerns you may have. However, while women are
generally good at getting regular check-ups, many men are guilty of
ignoring their symptoms, possibly due to fear or denial of health risks.
It is never worth taking a chance on your health, so put your mind at
rest by giving your doctor a visit, no matter how small you think the
risk may be.

Female health tip 4: Let yourself be vulnerable

While most women will happily let their guard down and communicate
their troubles to their friends, many men are afraid of appearing
vulnerable by opening up to others and showing how they really feel.
However, not only will sharing your troubles help you gain support
and bond with others, but crying can also help your body to release
stress. So, next time you are feeling emotional, whether due to a bad
day or a weepy movie, why not let those tears flow – your health will
thank you for it!

Female health tip 5: Do more cardio

Many men centre their workouts around weight lifting and building up
muscle, while women are more likely to opt for cardio exercise to help
with weight loss. In fact, neither option is ideal as both types of
exercise should make up a well-rounded fitness routine. Whether or
not you want to lose weight, aerobic exercise is essential for heart
health, so take a lesson from the girls and try swapping the
occasional weight lifting session for a cardio workout to help improve
your health and physique.

Female health tip 6: Indulge in some pampering

It’s a well known fact that most women like to be pampered and
groomed, while men are a little more reticent to give grooming a go.
Whether you care about your appearance or not, proper skin care
(which includes using an SPF) is important for your health, as is
looking after your nails to prevent fungal infections. If you want to go
the whole hog and give your body a pampering treat, a massage can
also do wonders for your health. With benefits including reduced back
pain, detoxification and an increased sense of well-being, this is
definitely not just a treat for the girls.