Woman, Know Thy Breast!

It is no news that a lot of Africans go about our daily lives without
having the slightest clue how most of the things civilization,
westernization and modern technology have introduced to us work. As
such, we more often than not end up copying blindly.

There is a saying that, if you want to hide something from a black
man, put it into a book. This is to back the popular claim that black
people don’t like to read. And this attitude reflects in our lack of
interest for science, research and innovation.

We therefore live our lives eating things we know nothing about, using
gadgets without the knowledge of their mechanisms and even wearing
clothes in and out of their right seasons.

Very recently I had a very embarrassing encounter with a fellow
African woman I really look up to and it had to do with my bra size;
and it never occurred to me how a trivial issue like a bra size would
cause me to think deeply about the way we go about things in this
part of the world.

A lot of African women just like me are walking about looking so fly
“ignorantly” in the wrong shade of face powder, clothes that do not
compliment our body types, hairstyles that do fit the shape of our
face and especially where I was found wanting on that day: the
correct size of our bras.