2 Women get a Miscarriage after Jealous friend who lost her unborn child Poisons them

A jealous woman poisoned two pregnant friends so they miscarried their

Angela Maier, 26, was consumed with jealousy because she was desperate to
have a baby of her own but had suffered three miscarriages.

When she then learned that her sister-in-law and best friend were pregnant
she became so depressed that she snapped and poisoned the women’s
drinks with medicine she was prescribed after her miscarriage.
Maier told a court in Klagenfurt, Austria: “I couldn’t stand the thought of
them having babies who would be growing up when mine was dead.

“Mine should have been with them as well, but instead mine died while theirs
went on.”
The court heard how the woman and her best friend had become pregnant
at the same time, and had been shopping for baby clothes and planning

The friend said: “I asked for a glass of water, and she said she had a
special drink for pregnant women, that she didn’t need any more.

“A short while later I started to bleed, and then I lost the baby. When I found
out what she had done, I wrote back and told her she was a murderer. I
can’t forgive her.”

Two months later she invited her sister-in-law to visit and did the same
thing again, mixing the medicine into her hot chocolate, and then ‘watched
me as I drank it’, the victim told the court.

The court heard it led to both pregnant women suffering miscarriages.
Maier went on to have a baby of her own, and now has a three-year-old

Two years later, she decided to confess to the women when she found out
they had become pregnant again.

She was sentenced to 18 months in prison, with 14 months suspended, after
the court ruled that she was psychologically sound although she had, it
accepted, been suffering from depression.

Judge Michaela Sanin said: “You maliciously took the lives of two unborn