5 Things A Guy Notices About You In 5 Minutes!!

While some of these things that guys notice about
a girl may be obvious, others are really subtle! If you know what he’s
going to access on a first date, you can take a little extra time and mind
those areas! Here’s a list of 5 things guys notice first! They could help you
to plan a proper
first date.

1. Luscious
Looks : Usually,
when a guy sees a girl, his eyes automatically look at her face. And he
thinks about whether or not she is pretty. But what if his first glimpse of
you is the back of your head? Some guys have said that they can tell if a
girl is pretty or not just by looking at the back of her head! Wanna know
how? Her hair! A girl’s hair is a dead-giveaway on how she takes care of
herself and presents herself. Make sure your hair is shiny, luscious and
bouncy. Even if you don’t have time to curl it everyday, at least make sure
it’s clean and combed out.

2. Perfect Posture: A girl who carries her head high and stands tall sends a
message out into the crowd. It says, “Hey, I’m confident, comfortable and
sexy. I’m the girl you want to get to know!” That’s one of the things guys
notice first about a girl! Just think about how someone with slumped,
slouchy shoulders looks. Would YOU want to get to know someone who
walked around like they had the weight of the world on their shoulders ?

3. Your Friends: Surprisingly, the company a girl keeps has a big impact
on first impressions that she makes. You know the statement “Birds of a
feather flock together”? Well, it’s true! And in most cases, if a girl has loud,
whiny, sassy or rude friends, a guy may assume the same thing about her.

4. Your Pout: Kissing has been proven to be one of the world’s greatest
stress relievers and research shows that most humans spend about 20,160
minutes per lifetime kissing! Wow!
So it’s no wonder one of the things guys notice first are your lips. Are they
soft and smooth? Red or pink? Shiny and kissable? You can bet that he’s
going to be wondering a lot about that until he finds out, so why not make
it sweet suspense?

5. Perfect Dance Moves: She is confident in her skin, she knows how to
have a good time, and she’s not afraid to bust a few moves! Plus, that
makes a girl impossible not to notice! So next time you are kicking’ it out
on the dance floor, remember that you are being noticed and try to have a
good time! Don’t be fake and over-the-top, but have some genuine fun.