7 Things Your Wife Doesn’t Want to See You Doin

Alright so since I
talked about “9
Things Your
Doesn’t Want to
See You Doing”,
it’s only fair that
the wives get to
speak their piece
and voice their
dislikes as well.
Just as in my
other post, these are a compilation of things that other wives have shared
with me.

1. Stray Hairs
from Shaving:
Leaving your remains in the sink, on the toilet or floor…pretty much
anywhere other than the trash is kinda gross. Yeah, we’d be happy not to
see stray shaved hairs all over the place.

2. Bread Crumbs: Pick it Up!
We can probably find our way around the house without the need of you
leaving a trail of clothes as bread crumbs to get from one room to another.
The hamper or laundry room is really where we’d like to see those dirty piles
of clothes.

3. Spitting: That’s Nasty!
Spitting. That hog spit, bringing it up from your gut thing you do is so not
sexy. It’s even worse when done in a moving vehicle or walking down a
sidewalk. It sounds nasty, it looks nasty, it’s just…nasty!

4. Flatulence: Not Cute!
Flatulence. Yup, we seem to be in agreement here. Just like you don’t like
when we do it, yours doesn’t smell like roses either. We know sometimes it
can’t be avoided, but you can at least give us a heads up.

5. The Adjustment: Especially in Public!
The adjustment. Those times you have to ahem…adjust your privates…don’t
worry, they’re not going anywhere. It’s different when we’re in the privacy of
our own home. But walking around in public to get to that itch is a little
much at times. We’re not immune to the occasional itch, but you would
probably be flabbergasted if we had to reach up our skirt in the middle of the
sidewalk. Be discreet.

6. The Blind Eye: It’s Right There!
The blind eye. Why is it that when you ask where something is and we tell
you, it’s not there. But the second we go to look for it…voila! It’s exactly
where we said it would be? It’s magic I tell ya! LOL

7. Using the Bathroom: Close the Door!
Using the bathroom. So while we are in agreement again here, this one is
more of an invasion of privacy. If we’re in the shower or brushing our teeth,
generally we don’t want to see or hear you take care of your business at the
same time.