For Married Couples – 5 Sexy Tips for Getting Yourself in the Mood!

There are always tons of
advice for couples on how to increase intimacy. They usually focus on
telling each partner how to get the other in the mood. Because face it, most
couples want more love making in their marriages….some more than
But instead of waiting on our partners to get us in the mood, what
if we took ownership of getting ourselves in the mood to create more
intimate moments in our relationships? Since both partners want to feel
desired it’s only fair that each partner takes turn initiating s*x.

In order to get
things heated we
first have to want it.

Unfortunately stress and exhaustion frequently show
up and affect our bedroom behavior. However, the more control we take
of our love life, the better our marriage will be. If you’re struggling to
muster up the desire for your mate, here are five tips to help get you in the

1. Wear something that exudes sexiness for you.
Usually the least amount of clothes you wear the better. Whether its lingerie
or an over-sized t-shirt with nothing underneath, it should make you feel
more desirable. The better you feel the greater the opportunity you’ll get
things started.

2. Watch a passionate clip or movie that makes you feel some kind of way.
There are many couples who need visual stimuli. If you’re that person,
don’t feel guilty. Find the one that really gets you excited and unleash that
excitement on your spouse.

3. Clear your mind of general life clutter and focus on your partner.
Picture yourself anywhere other than work, school or with the children.
Meditation and being still helps quiet your spirit and allows you the
opportunity to focus on something more important.

4. Indulge in some steamy fiction.
Authors like Zane and E.L. James will definitely change your mind and get
you in the mood for love making.

5. Eat more oysters and sniff more jasmine
Research foods and scents known for their ability to sexually arouse. You
will also find scents like vanilla and musk as well as foods like celery and
almonds on that list.