Non-s*xual Intimacy: 3 Reasons Husbands Should Initiate It More Often

This may be the first time
you have heard the term
used, but trust it is a
principle that most (if not
all) women embrace. It
involves any kind of
intimacy that isn’t centered
around s*x. It can include
making time to talk, cuddle,
engage in fun activities
together, and so on. Non-
s*xual intimacy is essential
in a marriage, and here are some reasons why husbands need to make it
happen more often.

1. It makes her
feel more
If a man views his wife as just some glorified assistant, or s*x toy…he done
messed up. If he creates an atmosphere that makes her feel like the only time
he wants to touch her is when he wants s*x…he done messed up. The things
I mentioned will make a woman feel less valued in a man’s life. That is why
non-s*xual intimacy is so important.
It shows her that you enjoy her presence. It makes her feel like you hold her
in higher regard. She will feel more secure, and it will pour the type of love
and emotional fulfillment that she needs. When a woman starts to feel like
she is just some interchangeable piece in her man’s life, that can kick open
the door to plenty of issues. Make her feel valued, and give her the time and
attention that truly speaks to her heart.

2. It can be great foreplay.

If You’re Her Husband, foreplay isn’t just something you do right before
having s*x. It is something a husband should put into practice way in
advance to assist in the s*xual build-up within his wife. Non-s*xual intimacy
plays right into that approach. When a husband shows his wife that he
desires her outside the bedroom, it can cause her to have a greater desire for
him in the bedroom (or anywhere else they don’t mind getting down). In
many cases it can really turn a woman on, and it can help eliminate any
possible resentment that comes from feeling like her husband just views her
as a piece of meat to poke. It will also allow her to feel more comfortable
and open with her husband sexually, which is a huge key to creating great
s*x for both the wife and her husband.

3. It can help you grow closer together.

When people mainly focus on s*x, it can hinder their ability to nurture a
greater foundation in their relationship; the ability to enjoy each other’s
presence, and be friends as well as lovers. Non-s*xual intimacy will do plenty
in helping a couple bond and grow closer together. It will allow for more
time to be put into getting in tune with each other, connecting on a deeper
level, and growing closer together in that marriage. Because it helps in the
areas of emotional and s*xual fulfillment, it will allow both parties to get
what they need, and therefore create a much happier marriage. Neglecting
non-s*xual intimacy can drive a huge wedge between husband and wife,
and that will only lead to negativity taking over that marriage. The
significance of bonding continuously in marriage is huge, and certainly not
something any husband should overlook.

Non-s*xual intimacy may seem foreign to some, and there may be men that
do not think it’s that important. I’m here to tell you that holding on to that
perspective will likely lead you into an unhappy and unfulfilled marriage. A
husband should be mindful of what his wife needs, and understand that
what specifically speaks to her heart can vary from other women. So talk to
her, as well as experiment with some things. See what works for her, and
then keep it going. Providing a wife with non-s*xual intimacy will put a smile
on her face, and in turn it will make it even easier for her to make her
husband smile as well.