Jonathan Drags Obasanjo To Human Rights Commission

In what appears a desperate effort to kill the talk about training
snipers and putting some Nigerians, about 1000 on 'Political Watch
List', President Goodlcuk Jonathan has taken his case against ex-
President Olusegun Obasanjo to the National Human Rights
Commission (NHRC).
Obasanjo had warned Jonathan in his 18-page letter that:
“Allegation of keeping over 1,000 people on political watch list
rather than criminal or security watch list and training snipers
and other armed personnel secretly and clandestinely acquiring
weapons to match for political purposes like Abacha, and
training them where Abacha trained his own killers, if it is true,
cannot augur well for the initiator..."
The Presidency has, therefore, asked the commission to investigate
the allegations through a letter sent to the Executive Secretary of the
NHRC, Prof Bem Angwe.
A source in the commission, who confirmed the receipt of the
December 23, 2013 letter, said Obasanjo may be invited for
interaction on his allegation.
The Presidency directed the NHRC to, among others, “investigate the
allegations bothering on the human rights violations contained on
pages 9-10 of the letter dated 2nd December 2013, written by former
President Olusegun Obasanjo (GCFR) to President Goodluck Ebele
Jonathan (GCFR) attached to the memorandum under reference."
A top source in the Human Rights Commision said: “The question of
being on political watch list raises some human rights issues. What I
can assure you of is that we will be fair to all sides.”