Women Who Drink Could BeAt Higher Risk For LiverDisease Than Men

Alright everyone, say it with me, because it's time to play my
favorite game here at Jezebel: "A study has found!" Today, a
new study says women are more vulnerable to certain effects of
alcohol than men, because their bodies tend to be smaller and
they have less water in them.

Dr. Howard Monsour , chief of hepatology at Houston Methodist
Hospital, said women who have a genetic predisposition to liver
disease should consume alcohol only in moderation, or lay off
that shit altogether:

About 20 to 30 per cent of the population has a genetic
disposition to cirrhosis of the liver and Monsour said it is
important for people to know if they have a family history
of cirrhosis before making the decisions to drink large
amounts of alcohol.

Oh great, even deadly diseases that want to slowly and painfully
kill you are freaking sexist now. When are we going to finally
get a break; geez. "When women drink the same amount less is
dispersed and the concentration is higher. They also have a
lower activity of a metabolising enzyme in the stomach called
alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)," said Dr. Monsour .

ADH helps convert alcohol to acetaldehyde, which
eventually is metabolized to carbon dioxide and water.
This causes a larger amount of the alcohol to reach the
blood and eventually in susceptible persons can lead to
cirrhosis of the liver, a disease that normally has no
visible signs until liver damage is too extensive.

And don't think you can try any of that LOL I SWITCHED FROM
Monsour said it's amount of the alcohol content people need to
pay attention to, not what kind of alcohol they are drinking.

I sure wish science would just make up its mind about alcohol
once and for all. Oh sigh.