Men & Woman Need This: Incredible Truth About The Penis

Even though a penis is controlled by the nervous system, it also has a
mind of its own. Erections can occur at random due to some impulses
firing from the brain during sleep and that is why most mornings, men
experience 'morning glows'. The penis is turgid without a prior sexual
arousal trigger. In fact, the penis does not need the man’s brain
before it climaxes. It is basically the function of the penis than the
brain of the man.
Orgasm actually starts with the spine; the signal to ejaculate is the
result of muscle contractions in the spinal cord and pelvis, not the
brain. But amazingly, simple things like having a rough day at work
can lead to a man not gaining an erection for a week...
On average, adult penis typically measures between four and six
inches when flaccid and six to nine inches when erect. So typically,
most penises are created equal in almost all men. Human penis still
weighs and looks bigger than that of other animals. Many men worry
so much about the look of their penis but the truth of the matter is
curves are common in penis.
The vast majority of penises lean ever so slightly to the left or right
when erect (you are probably just too distracted to notice). However,
some bend so dramatically (or curve up or down) that having sex is
almost impossible. This is known as Peyronie’s Disease and it
happens when the penis doesn’t expand evenly during a hard-on.
The structure of the penis does not help men to finish slowly; rather
they are programmed to finish quickly. So wives, don’t take it
personal. One of the purposes of intercourse for men is pleasure, then
procreation. In fact, 85 per cent of men think of pleasure first before
procreation while having sex.
Penile rupture is very real; it tends to happen mostly during vigorous
sex and also overly enthusiastic solo action like masturbation. Most
men who have experienced this unthinkable breakage always report
hearing a cracking noise, followed by excruciating pain. It is always
advisable to get treatment on time because an untreated fracture can
lead to permanent erectile dysfunction (ED).
Penis size, thickness and shape are not genetic. Penises are actually
formed in uterus when the male hormones are in active service.
Penises have a ‘seam’ as all men have a line going down their penis
and over their testicles. It’s more a ‘seam’ on the underside of the
penis. It forms when the foetus is in the uterus. In women, the seam
becomes the inner lips of the vagina. In men, the seam encloses the
urethra along the length of the penis. Penises contrast in colour to
other body parts; penises are generally darker in colour than the
bodies they hang from.
Why? It’s part of the sexual maturation process. Every penis
experiences a degree of shrinkage on a daily basis, especially when it
is very cold. In other words, cold weather and cold water are a penis’
mortal enemies. A typical testicles need to be warm to effectively
make sperm and testosterone. So when you stay too long in a chilly
air-condition room on a daily basis, try to take a ten minutes’ walk in
a warm environment away from the cold. But there is no correlation
between penis size and shoe size, hand size or wallet size.
And the worst exercise for the penis is masturbation. Masturbation is
not healthy at all. Smoking isn’t just bad for your lungs; it is also bad
for the penis. It’s no secret that smoking clogs the arteries, including
those that fill the penis with blood, especially at the initial stage of
ejaculation. This means the penises of smokers may have a harder
time rising to its full potential at the occasion of sexual activities.
Also, men will go limp if they drink too much.
Men really do get ‘blue-balls, technically called ‘prostatic congestion
which is caused by ‘trapped’ blood in the testicles. It has been
discovered that a lukewarm shower or aspirin will also do the trick.
With a vasectomy, a man can still be a father because some sperm
cell can still hang around, ready, willing and able to cause a woman
to be pregnant two weeks post operation. So, it’s important to use
some kind of protection until your family doctor says the coast is
Please note that if an erection comes on and refuses to go away, this
is not a miracle, but a medical emergency. This means that the blood
flow that causes an erection doesn’t eventually leave the penis.
Serious complications can result, like blood clots and some major
Questions and Answers:
Should I or should I not?
Seven months ago, my wife of 11 years suddenly left my home
unannounced with my seven-year-old last child. I was so worried I
had to report the case to the police who after series of searching,
eventually discovered that she actually moved to the house of one of
my church members, a wealthy business tycoon. This became a court
case and when she was asked why she left without traces, she said it
was on the basis that I do not satisfy her sexually. Now, she is
begging to come back. Should I take her back? Her insatiable sexual
craving has been a big issue since the inception of our marriage. I
can’t satisfy her even if I over try.
- Peter Ajukochi
This is a case of libidinal mismatch leading to unfaithfulness, I think
you both can still sit and talk things over. There are quite a lot of
things to do together when couples’ sex drive do not match.
Amazingly, every human being has untapped sexual potential in us. If
she has been complaining from the outset of your union, what have
you done to rectify the situation? Bear it in mind that your low desire
affects your wife immensely; so you must stretch yourself to take time
to enhance your libido. This will bond the two of you together the
more and grant you some discoveries about your own sexuality. Take
quality time to discover your wife’s sexual peculiarities. It is very
wrong and unethical for your wife to abandon her matrimonial home
in search of a momentary pleasure. But I would also plead for your
forgiveness. Since she has discovered her mistakes, I am sure she will
make it up to you. Please take her back and in future, don’t ignore
her complaints.
Why should I be careful about semen analysis?
I have done quite a number of semen analyses, yet I can’t make my
wife get pregnant. Why should I be careful about semen analysis or
continue to carry out the same test?
- Matins Matins
Are you sure you are carrying out the necessary test? Frankly
speaking, semen analysis is not a measure of fertility; rather, it is a
measure of sperm production and sperm delivery. So, a single semen
analysis really does not mean everything is normal or abnormal. It
just means there’s normal production, normal delivery of sperm. Most
men, when there are concerns about fertility, will be told to get a
semen analysis. It is a good thing but it is important that if a man
has concerns over fertility, he has at least two and probably three
separate semen analyses, each one after three days of abstinence,
each about six to eight weeks apart. And then, and only then, can you
say you have successfully completed the test.
Is it advisable to send a spy after my partner?
If a husband or wife notices some suspicious moves, activities and
behaviour in the life of his or her partner especially sexual life, Is it
advisable for the suspecting partner to send spies to get adequate
information before taking necessary action, If no, why?
- Simian Jubilee
I do not think it is a wise idea. One thing is certain, there is nothing
hidden that will not be revealed over a period of time. And from
observation, when you are not too sure of something, it is either you
patiently wait for a proper timing or you wisely confront your spouse.
And if he or she denies the confrontation, you can just keep your
calm. Things will definitely reveal themselves sooner than you think.
But if you start sending spies here and there, searching for
information, digging up stories, you may end up destroying the very
thing you want to protect. Where mistrust, doubt, and suspicion reign,
every air that blows is a potential danger bomb.
Can erectile dysfunction prevent pregnancy?
Apparently yes but this depends greatly on the degree and level of the
erectile dysfunction challenge. If it is a chronic erectile dysfunction, it
has 75-83 per cent of preventing pregnancy, especially when the
erection is not hard enough for effective ejaculation or when the man
ejaculates just at the tip of the vagina. If it is an acute erectile
dysfunction [ a sudden event of either premature ejaculation or quick
ejaculation], there may be a likelihood of the man being able to
impregnate his wife when the man is treated on time.