SHOCKING: Obama's Wife Michelle Divorcing Him Over Infidelity

These days, It is very difficult to fine any man who has only slept with
his wife in 21 years...very hard!
Anyway, the sad news coming from the White House in the United
States is that President Barrack Obama and his beautiful wife,
Michelle Obama, are heading for divorce. We at NastyGist.Com wish
it is not true but here is how a credible source, the National Enquirer,
is reporting the story:
The Obamas 21-year marriage has dissolved in a string of ugly fights
that got worse at the Mandela memorial incident and far more
outrageously Mrs Obama’s discovery that some Secret Service
bodyguards had been in the act of covering up President Obama's
infidelity while he was "enjoying" some sexy ladies...
This is an allegation the White House has declined to comment on,
though after Bill Clinton’s trouser-dropping scandals, Americans
would be rather less sanguine about any extra-marital affair by their
Mrs Obama, the Enquirer claims, intends to stand by her husband
until his presidency is over, at which time he will move back to
Hawaii, where he grew up, and she will stay in Washington with their
For the moment, the husband and wife are said to be sleeping in
separate rooms after Mr Obama’s attempt to ‘mend fences’ backfired
so badly on a recent Christmas getaway to Hawaii that he returned to
Washington with their two daughters, leaving his wife behind.
The National Enquirer got it right when it claimed that a supposedly
clean Democrat Presidential contender, Mr John Edwards, had
fathered a love child by a former campaign worker.
So, is it possible that they are also right that Obama and Michelle's
marriage has hit the rocks?