Popular Singer Chris Brown Diagnosed With Mental Illness

If you've watched the movie titled HOMELAND, then
you'll sure understand what Chris Brown is said to be
going through at the moment. The popular musician
has been diagnosed as bi-polar, he is suffering from
post traumatic stress disorder and self-medicating
He has tried to hide the condition from the public but
his latest case in court took him into rehabilitation
and it was at the rehab centre that the issue finally
came out. While in court on Friday, where it was
revealed that he is improving, the singer was told to
stay consistent with his medication for the next two
Below is the revelation from the rehab centre where
Chris Brown was treated:
"Mr. Brown will also require close supervision by
his treating physician in order to ensure his
bipolar mental health condition remains stable.
"It is not uncommon for patients with Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder and Bipolar II to use
substances to self-medicate their biomedical
mood swings and trauma triggers.
"Mr. Brown became aggressive and acted out
physically due to his untreated mental health
disorder, severe sleep deprivation, inappropriate
self-medicating and untreated PTSD."
The letter obtained by E! NEWS indicates that if he
sticks to his treatment, all will be well with him aga