Pastor Chris Okotie's Bombshell: Why Catholics Will Go to Hell

I don't know what has come over our big-grammar pastor o. Lol...
"All Catholics in the world will go to hell because they worship Satan
and are led by an Anti-Christ Pope who is a friend to the devil",
Nigeria’s controversial preacher and former presidential candidate,
Chris Okotie, told his congregation on Sunday, leaving members
“They don’t believe in heaven. They believe in purgatory, the
purgatory that they invented ,”
Fifty-five year old Okotie, while preaching in his Household of God
Church in Ikeja area of Lagos on Sunday, said the Catholic church is
“a counterfeit church set up by Satan” and that Catholics “bow to
idols and crucify Jesus every Sunday when they eat bread claiming
they are eating Jesus’ body.”
Pastor Okotie stressed: “They are not Christians and have never
“They don’t know Jesus. They believe that when they eat bread on
Sundays, they are eating the body of Jesus. It’s ritual,” he told his
stunned congregation.
According to Simon Ateba, Okotie said Pope Francis is an Anti-Christ
who does the job of the devil and that time is fast approaching when
the Catholic church will pledge allegiance to Satan.
“The pope is an Anti-Christ and the Catholic church will soon declare
for Satan. This is the end of times,” Okotie erupted.
He advised members of his church to come to the rescue of Catholics
and evangelise them. This, he said, was not out of disrespect but out
of respect for the word of God.
He said those who know the truth should bring it to those who do not
know it in the Catholic Church.
Okotie said one of the Catholic most revered Popes, Pope John Paul
11, surrendered the Catholic Church to Mary, the earthly mother of
Jesus Christ, instead of Jesus himself. He said even the current Pope
Francis has also done same.
He said Catholics are not Christians and do not worship the same
Christ that he preaches in his church, at least the one spoken about
in the Bible.
Okotie said he did not write the Bible but it was clear to him that
those in the Catholic church were lost and were heading to hell fire.
“That church, the Catholic church has been there for Satan and at the
right time, they will declare for Satan,” Okotie said.
Okotie who has been married twice and divorced also twice said a
beauty pageant will take place in his church next Sunday to select the
most beautiful woman in his church.
He also said that Nigeria’s famous preacher Prophet T.B. Joshua is
the son of the devil and his followers will go straight to hell.
But funny enough, in recent years, the same Pastor Okotie has been
saying that God has anointed him to be the President of Nigeria. That
prophecy has not come to pass in 2 presidential elections that he
participated in.