See 8 Reasons Why Men Cheat

There are reasons galore why men pull wool over the eyes of their
wives. Oftentimes, it’s out of spite and neglect, while the other times,
it’s because they feel they will never be caught.

What makes men cheat? Dr Kamal
Khurana, relationship counselor, dug through past research on male
infidelity, and has even counseled couples and has arrived at the
conclusion that most answers are from the wife’s point of view. Here,
some of his findings:
1. Disturbance in the marriage as the primary reason: When there are
regular fights at home with his wife, which are left unresolved, a pattern
sets in wherein he continues to be unhappy and ‘disturbed’. In this kind of
a scenario, either he can fight or he can flee. When he looks for an affair,
he is looking to flee from dealing with the issues in the marriage, and be
comfortable with that ‘other person’. It is telling oneself that the problems
do not affect anyone and life can continue in a better way with a parallel

2. Cheating men report boredom led to the affair: Some men may find
the routine of a married life to be tedious and dull. These men find it easier
to shift dominance or primacy to another relationship and feel the spark
outside to be a thrilling option; instead of finding ways of charging their
marriage. It becomes present moment for gratification versus the hard job
that they will have to do in their marriage to resolve an issue. The extra-
marital relationship provides them with a readymade and fresh
experience, which is appealing enough to take the risk.

3. Cheating men love to experiment sexually: s*x has always been and
will always be an integral part of a marriage. While some men are quite
content spending the rest of their lives having s*x with the same wife for
many years, others prefer to experiment more as a need, rather than as an
option. They want to sleep with many women, many times, and therefore
do not think twice before an extra-marital alliance. It perhaps makes them
feel sexually powerful and more adept than others.

4. Cheating men are emotionally dissatisfied: When their wives are too
busy with their own lives, working or bringing up children or even looking
after in-laws and parents, emotionally, men are left high and dry. But men
are emotionally driven beings too. They want their wives to show them
that they’re appreciated, and they want women to understand how hard
they’re trying to get things right. Most men consider it unmanly to ask for
a pat on the back, which is why their emotional needs are often
overlooked. Sometimes the couple may not be compatible so however much
the wife may do, the man will always find something to complain about. It
may also happen that the woman he cheats with is his co-worker or boss,
someone who praises him, looks up to him, and compliments his efforts.
That’s another reason why it’s so critical that he feel valued at home.

5. Cheating men have a history of EMR: Some men, in their childhood,
may have witnessed cheating in their parent’s marriage. This somewhere
gives them a message that it is okay to cheat, even though deep inside they
know this is wrong. All of us learn from our parents, so taking the risk is
good enough. This acquired learning also happens through cheating resorts
taken by elder siblings, neighbours, peer group and everybody who has
been impacted. Sometimes as teenagers and young adults, some men have
had multiple relationships, these men either intentionally or accidentally
end up going back to their ex-girlfriends. The other lot goes back to their
past style of having multiple relationships. It is well said, what a mind
thinks, achieves. So there are females also who are either consciously or
unconsciously looking for such men.

6. Cheating men have wives who cheat: Men also take revenge with their
cheating wives, by having multiple relationships themselves. Even if their
wives are guilty and come accept their extra-marital relationships, some
men continue with their tricks. This is mostly done by men who don’t want
to forgive their spouses.

7. Cheating men think it to be ‘divorce’: Some men are willfully
adulterous and use it as a means for acquiring divorce. The law also
considers adultery as a fair ground for the wife to seek a divorce. The man
is cheating openly and is in a non-receptive mood, taking the wife’s
feelings of frustration to an all-time high. Although this percentage is less
but it is there.

8. Cheating men need to be needed: When men feel that they are not
needed by their wife anymore, they look out for some other woman, who
can understand them and make them feel special. As an obvious outcome
of a new relationship, they get that feeling from the other woman. And
suddenly when they are showered with attention, which they haven’t
received in a very long time in their marriage, they toss their hands in the
air and get deep into the new hot and happening relationship.