Christian Teen Would Rather Drop Out of Big Race Than Wear Number 666

A Kentucky high school runner recently cut her season short when she opted
not to run in regionals. She wasn't injured, or sick, or tending to a family
emergency. No, she dropped out of the race because she was assigned the
number 666 and thought that if she ran wearing that number, it would
threaten her relationship with The Man Upstairs. You know what God detests
more than a number John the Apostle dreamed up while he was tripping on
the Bible times equivalent of acid? Quitters.
Whitley County High School junior Codie Thacker says she asked for a
different number after she found out that race officials had assigned her
666, but they refused. And here's what happened next, according to Lex18 ,
Cross country coach Gina Croley knows her students, so when she
pulled the number assigned to Thacker, she knew there might be a
problem. "I saw it and I was like, 'whoa,'" she said. "I don't think
she will wear that number."
"666" is, according the the bible, the mark of the beast. Thacker
couldn't bring herself to run while wearing "666" because of her
faith. So, she and her coach tried to get a different number. They
asked three different officials. They were told no three different
"I didn't want to risk my relationship with God and try to take that
number," said Thacker.
Look, everyone's got a right to practice religion; it says so right in the
Constitution. But let's be pragmaticwhen the practice of one's religion
evolves from life-affirming guidebook to Be A Better Person into neurotic
adherence to meaningless rituals and fear of symbols, then it becomes
limiting. And I can't imagine that an all-loving, all-powerful God like the
God Christians worship would pleased by a young woman backing away
from the chance to showcase her ostensibly God-given talent because some
computer spat out a number she didn't like. If God is real and and perfect
and all-powerful, then He wouldn't put His followers through bullshit Crazy
Girlfriend-style tests to make sure they love him enough.
Thacker's move wasn't met with eye rolling by her coach, but with praise,
which I'd understand if Thacker exercised her faith by doing something like
refusing to run against an opposing coach who had gotten away with
abusing his students, or donating her shoes to a barefoot homeless person
she saw outside of the school and running the race barefoot or skipping the
race to volunteer for disaster cleanup. But, like, quitting because you're
afraid of a number? It just seems like a sort of missing-the-point expression
of religious faith.

I don't "get" America sometimes.