If Yelling at Kids Is as Harmful as Spanking, What the Hell Is Left?

I grew up in Tennessee in the 1980s. This means that when I wasn't being
spanked by a paddle, a hand, a belt, or a switch of my own choosing, I was
being yelled at. Clearly, I have an extremely well adjusted attitude towards
authority figures and a deep, abiding love for all mankind. Which is why it
comes as zero surprise to me that yelling at kids, studies say, not only isn't
any better than spanking them, it's just as bad. What, then, is a parent to
The study in question comes courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh.
Researchers tracked 967 middle-school aged kids for two years. They were
from about 10 public schools in the city, and were from middle-class
families that were not deemed "high-risk" by the researchers. The result,
explains a piece at the Washington Post: Kids of parents who yelled or used
"harsh verbal discipline," especially with cursing or insults, were, no duh ,
"more likely to be depressed or have behavior problems."
Kicker #1 : It didn't make them stop doing whatever they were doing that
was so bad in the first place.
Kicker #2 : It didn't even matter if the household was otherwise "generally
warm and loving."
So the whole "doing it for their own good" thing doesn't really cut it, Yelly
Look, we don't need to be scientists to understand why this is true. We know
it intuitively in spite of the way our weird, harsh, Puritanical roots override
this human logic. Getting yelled at sucks. It makes you feel bad. Kids need
guidance, knowledge, discipline, love, not to be harshed on for being, well,
kids. It's their job to test boundaries, and your job to set them and reinforce
them in a warm, loving way. FOREVER.
And, yes, it also takes forever . Which probably makes you want to yell
more. But don't! It does this:
“If you yell at your child, you either create somebody who yells
back at you or somebody who is shamed and retreats,” said
Meghan Leahy, a mother of three and a parenting coach in
Northwest Washington. “You’re either growing aggression or
growing shame. Those are not characteristics that any parents
want in their kids.”
“When people raise their voices, the message typically isn’t, ‘Wow,
I love you, you’re a great child,’ ” Sendek said. “You’re usually
saying something negative, and ripping down their self-esteem.”
It's like I can feel you bristling when you read that, because everywhere we
look, we are hearing about how unwarranted, unchecked self-esteem is why
Millennials are so terrible. The truth is, it's why anyone is terrible from
any generation: I typically discover that anyone in my entire life I've ever
disliked usually turns out to be someone who was coddled beyond all belief.
But the big thing I think we all need to consider is that being coddled is not
the same thing as being lovingly disciplined without yelling or physical
punishment (or public shaming , which seems to be popular these days).
I know what you're thinking. Bribing! Good old-fashioned bribing. But
sorry, that doesn't work either. Studies show it is "unreliable, ineffective"
and tends to make the kid not give two shits about doing the thing without
the reward.
So uh, ha, uh, OMG, uh, Jesus, so, WHAT THE FUCK IS OK TO DO? Because you
know, if you can't hit 'em or scream at 'em, bribe 'em or shame 'em, what's
You know the answer. Let's all say it together: Rational Discussion.
Patience . Piece-a-cake, eh? Just instantly become the most zen version of
yourself you ever were, leaning into frustration and impatience and
agitation, and instead, coming out the other side with a calm voice, endless
patience, a deep, rich well of affection and warmth, and a vast wisdom
culled from centuries of meditative arts and Lifetime movies.
That's right: Talk talk talk it out 'til you can't talk no more.
Sigh. But for those of you who don't think that's possible, try this:
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Perfect "the look."
Start a family punk band whose songs are limited entirely to the way
your child feels when you give him or her "the look."
Call the band The Look.
Have band gear set up nearby so that kid can hop "onstage" and
begin strumming/drumming moodily/angrily whenever he or she
senses "the look" is coming.
Sometimes, for fun, try to beat your kid to that stage and get to the
guitar first.
Strum your own moody song about how you feel about how he or she
feels about your "the look."
Enlist your child to help you write and perform a one-act play
reenacting the questionable behavior and the role of your "the look"
in it.
Call that play The Look .
Hold a mock trial with all family members where all misbehavior
must be prosecuted and defended in a court of law.
Call that trial The People vs. The Look .
Set aside copious funds for years of therapy to treat look-induced