5 Simple Tips to Better Sex ( Men's Fitness )

Easy ways to improve your relationship and your sex life with that special
Reinstate Date Night
Whether you’ve been together a year or a couple of decades, it’s easy to fall into
a rut. Bring back the romance from when you rst got together. Commit to
spending one night a week as a couple, outside the house. Even if you’re just
having dinner or going on a long drive, you’ll be amazed how much your
relationship benets simply from the added one-on-one communication time it
Ditch your technological mistress. When you and you partner are home together,
try to spend at least 30 minutes a night unplugged and away from the Internet,
cell phones, the XBox, DVR, and everything else with an on/off switch. Pour
yourselves a few drinks, hop in the shower together, give each other back rubs,
play cards—or just talk. Anything is ne as long as you’re both making eye
Focus on the Good, Not the Bad
If the only thing you see in your girl is negative, most experts agree that your
relationship is doomed. Try to rediscover what brought you together in the rst
place. Studies show that couples who last are those who are the most upbeat
and say more positive comments to each other on a daily basis. One easy way to
get started: Think of one quirky thing she does that you love, and tell her about
Show Her You Appreciate Her
Most resentment in a relationship comes from one person feeling unappreciated.
Once a week, take a few minutes to do some of the chores that traditionally fall
into her domain. Empty the dishwasher or clean the cat’s litter box. Fold a few
towels or vacuum the oor. Those ve minutes of your time will yield big results
later on.
Get Steamy
Dedicate at least one hour regularly to sex —and commit to always trying
something new. Watch porn together; turn on a Web cam; experiment with
positions, locations, toys; act out fantasies—whatever it takes to help you get
away from “real” life and think only about each other’s bodies.