Have You Ever Wondered Why Homosexuals Are More Vocal Nowadays? This Is The Reason…

Cast your mind back to some few years. Imagine how being a
homosexual during that period felt like. The same cannot be said
about today. Many do not consider engaging in a homosexual act to
be evil anymore. It is now being considered as a natural phenomenon.
Whilst I was facebooking about two months ago, I came across a post
by an 18 year old friend of mine. She was publicly declaring through
that post that she was a lesbian.
I had observed that trait earlier in her based on certain actions of hers
so I remember asking her sometime back even before she came out
with that post if she was a lesbian. Her answer was “no.”
In response to a comment by a fellow friend of hers that he never
knew she was a lesbian, she replied by stating that she was young
and afraid to voice it out in the past.
What has basically changed from time past, that people can now
declare publicly that they are homosexuals without any fear?
In Communications, there exists a theory known as “Spiral of Silence.”
The phrase “spiral of silence” actually refers to how people tend to
remain silent when they feel that their views are in the minority.
The theory posits that they remain silent for a few reasons. First of
all, such ones do so because they fear isolation when they have a
divergent opinion from the status quo.
Secondly, those whose view are in the minority fear reprisal or more
extreme isolation, in the sense that voicing said opinion might lead to
a negative consequence beyond that of mere isolation, example loss
of a job , reputation, etc.
You would bear with me that, majority of people never wanted to
associate with homosexuals, be it friendship, …

business etc. In the
United States of America for example, homosexuals were not allowed
to join the military.
The closer an individual feels their opinion resides with majority
opinion, the more likely they will be willing to voice it in public
discourse. People in the minority start to express their opinions
publicly without fear when people who are highly educated, or who
have greater affluence, and a few other individuals who do not fear
isolation but think they are ahead of time speak out regardless of
public opinion, which result in the rest following that course.
One of the most influential and educated people in this world is U.K’s
Prime Minister, David Cameron. He publicly declared his support for
same sex marriage. Not only him, lots of influential people like
Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lopez, Alicia Keys, just to mention a few
are all people who have affirm their support for same sex
relationships. Don’t also forget about the numerous human rights
activists who have emerged and fighting for the rights of
With all these influential people rallying their support solidly for
homosexuality, homosexuals in the minority who once kept silent due
to the fear of isolation now express themselves publicly without any
fear again.
This could be seen clearly in countries where same sex marriage is
legal. The number of people who open up publicly and accept they
being homosexuals in countries that have legalised it always
outweigh those in countries that don’t support it.
Should Ghana and Nigeria approve same sex marriage right now, there is going to
be an increase in the number of people who will come out publicly to
announce they are homosexuals.
The more those in the minority gain stands, the more they become
vocal. This explains why homosexuals are somehow vocal presently
as opposed to the past.