NASTYGIST READERS : Being Gay Is Never A Natural Feeling But An Evil Desire We Must Detest

Just as you have
given to the Ernest who claim to be born a gay.

First of all let’s look at it this way, there has never been any fact that
scientist have proof that homosexual is an in-born thing. Much of our
media sources today assume the question of homosexual being an in-
born is a solved scientific problem with all the evidence pointing
toward a biological (probably genetic) basis for a homosexual

Contrary to this perception, the question has been poorly studied (or
studied poorly), although there maybe some evidence on sides of
question as Ernest is claiming to be one (a proof). In addition, many
of the initial studies, which were highly touted by the media or
advocates as “proof” for a biological basis for homosexuality, have
been contradicted by later, more thorough studies.

In his submission he points some locations where he knew people
who are in the same shoe as him but I want to lament that it is
a fallacy, as says best in a proverb that “only a lying man who claims
his only witness lives abroad”.

If what Ernest is assuming or saying about himself is true then he
does not need another person to proof he is right because his is at
best his witness. All he need is his doctor’s report and the credibility
of the doctor and for the doctor to accept having done the test on
him. Let us assume for the sake of argument that some people are
born homosexual.

Does this mean they should be free to indulge in homosexual
behavior? Unmarried heterosexual men could easily argue that they
are genetically wired to desire premarital sex. Some evidence exists
that certain people are biologically more prone to alcoholism.
But just because a person has certain desires or inclinations, this
does not mean that it is moral to act on those urges. There are
thieves and Arm robbers in every corner of the globe does not mean
we should conclude that people are born to be thieves and arm
robbers even as we know that some people have that desire of
jealousy which leads them into the act.

Now We All Know Being GAY Is Natural & Not Evil

I kept saying that we as Africans should not let our moral traditions
and cultures be deem by a so called power from above into accepting
immorality into our humbly abode, there is no culture, tradition or
even religion in Africa that support homosexual to be moral, in fact I
have seen no religion in this world which’s teachings are in support of
this homosexual. I read about scientist trying to prove that some
people are born with this sickness but what they fail to tell us is one
scientist who will boldly stand up and tell us how he conducted the
search and test in arriving to that and who is the victim who was
born with suck a sickness.

In other words if it is true that some people were born with this
sickness as Ernest is claiming to be one, we can find a solution to it
just as we are improving day-in-day-out in finding solution to people
who are born with diseases of sickle-cell anaemia, epilepsy, hernia,
aids and many others. Even scientist are saying different thing from
what promoters of homosexuals are saying as quoted here “The
causes of homosexuality are not fully understood, and many people
who struggle with the temptations do not choose or want them.

There has been much debate over the issue of nature versus nurture,
but scientists have been unable to find a genetic cause for
homosexuality. Dr. Dean Hamer (who coined the phrase “gay gene” )
said, “We have not found the gene—which we don’t think exists—for
sexual orientation.” Another study concluded, “Critical review shows
the evidence favoring a biologic (genetic) theory to be lacking.”There
may be genetic factors that have yet to be discovered, but the
development of homosexual desires often appears rooted in an
individual’s upbringing” With this conclusion if anything at all we can
predominantly say that the act of homosexuals is a demonic attack
which needs an exorcism.

As a matter of fact gay and lesbian to put it right are not a right
under moral condition, morally it is a wrong and let us not make it
politically right. Homosexual is demonic attack on people especially
people who are in need because the devil always capitalize on our
week points to move his agenda through. Most of the people who are
under this attack of homosexuality are because of money, fame,
power, recognition, frustration and so on.

Researchers have frequently encountered the following three issues
related to the onset of homosexual attractions which I might help my
brother Ernest to realise where his problem is coming from so he can
start working in solving it.

One: Sexual abuse. If a young woman is abused by any male, she may
subconsciously think, “Men must all be like you, and no man will do
that to me! I don’t want to be hurt that way again.” At times
homosexuality becomes a shield for the heart and a sort of haven to
escape the hurt of abusive relationships. It is understandable that a
person hurt in the past would want to avoid future relationships that
cause pain—and pain may be all a person knows from the opposite
sex. Also, a child who was sexually abused by a member of the same
sex can become confused about his or her sexual orientation.

Two: Sometimes the opposite-sex parent is too enmeshed in the life
of the child. For example, a mother and son can rely too exclusively
on one another for needs that should be met elsewhere. This can
contribute to gender identity confusion in the child.
Three: The same-sex parent may be emotionally or physically absent.

In the case of a young man, the absence of a father may lead to
feelings of inferiority or rejection by peers when it comes to athletic
endeavour with the other guys. Other times, a father can be so critical
of a son that the dad never bothers to affirm the manhood of the
young man. This can cause a young man to feel an inability to relate
to his own gender. It is common that as a young man matures he will
seek to identify with what is masculine. Sometimes this desire to
identify with a guy who is particularly masculine may be confused
with the onset of homosexuality.

If a young man acts on this and begins to explore homosexuality, he
may gradually come to believe that his orientation is homosexual. But
the attraction may have been there simply because the other guy
possessed a degree of masculinity that the young man admired and
feared he lacked.

This admiration of a member of the same sex is not uncommon
during adolescence, for women as well as men. During this time
young people are trying to discover their identity. They often go
through a maturing process that moves them from a strong interest
in same-sex friendships to a primary interest in opposite-sex
relationships. It is not unusual for adolescents to feel confusion in the
midst of their rapid sexual development, identity search, and maturing
of interests. We are more open to learning but homosexuality is not
an acceptable act of human being. It was wrong yesterday, it is wrong
today and it will be wrong tomorrow.