[Must Read] 5 "Scientific" Facts About bre*sts

Scientists have done weird studies on the cultural fascination with
breasts. Below you will find the strangest ones...

1. Poor men like big brsts while financially secure men prefer smaller

[hide]According to Psychology Today, the amount of
money a man earns is connected with size of
br**sts he prefers. The study, conducted by
two psychologists, set out to explore the link
between financial state and chest size

Men from different backgrounds were shown
animated female figures with different sizes
and were asked which of them they
considered more s*xually attractive.
The results were as follows: poorer men or
men undergoing resource insecurity
preferred larger brsts while those who were
financially well off and stable preferred smaller

2. Hungry men desire big brsts while satiated men prefer a smaller
Scientists revealed that hungry men preferred
larger br
sts compared to those whose
stomachs were full.
What is here to add? Bon appetite indeed!

3. Squeezing brsts may prevent cancer
Man can actually be saving the life of their
beloved by continuously grabbing her br
According to the UC Berkeley and Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, squeezing
brsts can prevent cancer.
Apparently mechanical forces and applying
physical pressure on the br
sts can stop the
rapid growth of cancer and prevent out of
control cells from turning malignant.

4. Bras accelerate sagging
French study conducted over 15 years on
women aged between 18 and 35, suggests
that wearing a bra is totally useless for women
and may actually cause more harm than good.
The study claimed that those women who did
not wear a bra benefited long term, as they were able to develop more
muscle tissue,
which provided natural support.
It is strange that the study did not provide for
the actual chest size of the women who were
involved in the test.

5. Staring at b**bs extends a man life by five years
A German study, which has been circulating
around the internet for years, supposedly
involved a team of investigators visiting three
hospitals in Frankfurt, Germany, and
comparing the health of 200 males over a
period of five years.

Half of the volunteers were asked to stare at
busty women daily; the other half was
prevented from doing so.

The result? Those who were enjoying the sight
of big-breasted beauties over five years had
lower blood pressure; slower pulse rates and
were less likely to develop coronary artery