Ghanaian Art Writers and Our Immature Use of SUPERLATIVES

I had a duologue with one senior Art Writer last week and the topic of
flubs and foibles that Ghanaian Art Writers commit in our write ups –
features, articles, news stories, promotional stories, etc. came up; that
is, our use of superlatives in our write ups.
Our use of superlatives in our write ups is highly puerile and
unguarded! Just a few of such superlatives: the most influential
artiste….; the best song ever by ..; the hottest female musician in……;
the most sensational……; the maddest……., he pulled the largest….,
In most cases, the personalities written about, are not that popular,
hottest, best, largest, or whatever superlative that is being used to
describe them. Most of them are what I call ‘local champions’ who
think they have arrived; because we make them feel so.
Due to our unguarded use of such superlatives in our write ups, we
have ended up raising or placing some personalities to statutes or
positions we term as Celebrities and or Stars, but in actuality, they
do not deserve to be there or don’t have what it takes to be there or
do not understand why they are there!
The sad part of this development is that, after supporting them with
such superlatives to reach or achieve what most of them do not even
deserve to have attained or achieved, they turn around to insult us.
Today, some of these so called Celebrities or Stars have the sheer
effrontery to call us lazy journalists, unprofessional writers, haters,
dream-killers, uncivilized, etc.
Why won’t they? After crossing the river what next? You have every
right to mock the crocodile! Sometimes, we use these superlatives and
even look funny or ‘fake’ before our readers! We put our credibility on
the line just to promote …