Juan Mata Writes an Open Letter to Chelsea Fans (MUST SEE)

Hi everyone, As you can imagine this is a very
important day in my life, and with these lines I
would like to express the memories and
emotions that come to me as I write. This letter
is written from my heart, and first of all I
would like to say that I will never forget all the
affection given to me by the Chelsea fans.

From the very first day until the last. With
your support and affection I have grown up as
a player and I have had an amazing time both
on and off the pitch. I will always feel the
gratitude towards you. Always. No words are
enough to give back all the things I have
received. There has been plenty of good
moments: the FA Cup, my first trophy as a Blue;
the immense happiness of winning titles for the
first time in the club’s history, such as that
magical Champions League night in Munich and
the Europa League.
On the other hand, I have experienced some
complicated situations from a personal point of
view, mainly during the last six months. Every
message I got through the social media, every
nice word you have said to me on the street,
and of course, your support in the stadium, has
made me feel incredibly proud of the Chelsea
fans; you deserve a team like the one you’ve
got, with so many fantastic players. I won’t
forget the faith you put in me when I was given
the player of the year award the last two
seasons. I feel really proud and I will never
forget those nights. Thank you so much for the
way you have treated me, you have been
I hope you understand that after going through
a complicated and, for me, new situation in the
last few months, I believe this is the best choice
in order to carry on with my football career
and to keep enjoying this sport. Before last
summer, my intention was to stay here for a
long time; as long as the club wanted me to,
and to keep winning trophies for Chelsea FC.
This is how happy I was in the club and in the
city. However, as you all know, things changed
after the preseason. From feeling like an
important player, I started to experience some
difficult situations and I felt unable to help the
team to the extent that I wanted and was used
to. Obviously, I fully respect the circumstances.
Football is a team sport and it’s not easy to play
regularly in such a good squad. In sports you
may win or lose, but the most important thing
is to give everything. I hope you know and feel
that I have always done so. In every game, in
every training session, without exception. I
have always tried my best for the club. I would
like to emphasise the affection, admiration and
respect that I’ve had for my former team
mates since the first day. I want to thank the
captains for their help and understanding at all
times. They made me feel comfortable when I
arrived and they have supported me throughout
the difficult times this season. I thank all my
former team mates for these two and a half
years and I wish them the best, personally and
professionally, for the future. Of course I have
been closer to some of them, but the most
important thing is that my years in Chelsea
have left me with great friends. Friends forever,
football rivalries aside. I also want to highlight
the day-to-day job of every member of the
Chelsea staff: medical team, kit men, staff at
Cobham and Stamford Bridge, media and
marketing department, Chelsea TV team…
All of them are very important in making this
club a great one. Thank you for your treatment
and your efforts to make the life of the players
easier. Furthermore, thanks to every manager I
have had the pleasure to work with during my
time here. They have all been a big help for my
progression as a player. I have always respected
their decisions, whatever they were; they made
me more mature and a stronger person. You
learn from everything, and certain situations
make you think about other team mates who
are coping with similar situations more
regularly. Thank you Andre for giving me the
opportunity to join Chelsea FC. Without your
support, none of this would have happened. To
Robbie and Rafa, for their unlimited trust in
me. And to Jose, for making me a stronger
player, because in difficult moments, I have
learnt to remain positive and to keep working
hard. Lastly, I want to thank the Club, and in
particular its owner, Roman Abramovich, for
trusting me and making an important
investment when signing me. Also for their
understanding regarding my situation over the
last months. I’m very glad to have been part of
the squad that made his and our dream come
true: winning the Champions League on that
unforgettable night in Munich. Additionally, my
years in Chelsea have been profitable for the
club, which I’m very pleased about. I want to
make clear that the stage that now comes to an
end has been extremely important for me,
personally and professionally. Although many
of you, like myself, never thought this moment
would come, this is football and a new chapter
is about to begin. I would have liked to say good
bye to all of you in the stadium, or in a press
conference, but it has not been possible. I’m
sure I will be able to do it in the future,
because that is what you deserve. Evidently,
today is a day of mixed feelings, remembering
the past and looking forward to the future and
what it has to bring. I look forward to being
happy and to enjoy what I like the most: play
football. I will never forget my time in Chelsea
and the affection I take with me, I will keep
forever. I wish you the best. A big hug to all of
you. THANK YOU so much, Juan