LADIES, WHAT DO YOU WANT –– Money or Love?

Guys have you ever asked yourselves what the feminine gender of
these days are really into; either money or love? If yes, then our
thinking is alike. Ladies, it is of no doubt that love and money go
along with each other, but ask yourselves, which comes first - money
or love?
Do money stimulate love or love first then money?
There used to be a time when Ladies date guys regardless of their
status or the amount in their bank account. During those period,
ladies are said to date blindly. Sometimes I just wished I was born in
those era.
Please don't get me wrong...
I am not saying ladies of now a days prefer money to love. In fact
who doesn't like money? Who doesn't want comfort? Who doesn't
want to live big? We all want these.
According to a statistics I saw on google few months ago, it was
revealed that 65 percent of ladies around the world date because of
money while 35 percent wants to be independent regardless of the
statement or status of their boo.
These days, ladies use money as overriding criteria for choosing their
partners. If you have a girl who is dating you because of who
(personality) you are and not because of what (position) you are,my
brother keep am well ooo.
So many ladies have lost their lives, morals and ways as a result of
love for money. There is this popular saying among the ladies that
"Forget about Love and Think about money".
No doubt I can't allow my sister to marry a poor guy because I believe
you should be able to or let me say you should be ready to carry on
responsibilities as a man of the house before getting married.
Marriage is not something you can just jump into. I will make her
understand that money comes after love. I will also instill love of
herself in her and not the love of money.
Mistakes I think guys make is that, they procreate when they are still
trying to make both ends meet. Giving birth is a blessing but my
brother, why not play safe until you have that money to carter for the
baby and the mama. Nigeria economy is not friendly any more and
it's obvious.
The essence of this short piece of article is to charge our ladies and
also change their believes about money and love and also to let them
no that love is paramount in all situation.
No doubt money is very much essential in every relationship. But my
dear ladies, bear with guys like me who is still struggling to make
both ends meet. Love come first and money comes after. That Is the
way I think it suppose to be .

By Ogbeni Akinremi Abdul Raheem Ayo
You can follow Ogbeni Akinremi on
Twitter @OgbeniAkinremi @rhrayhym or
add on BBM 22735673 for Love related issues.