What Your Date May Ask You The First Time & How To Answer Him!

t is not that your date will grill you the first time and he may not be
looking for the ‘right’ answers from you per say. He just wants to be
sure that you are honest on a lot of things. If you are not careful with
the answers you give, you may get yourself into an uncomfortable
situation. This is the reason I am going to take you through how do
deal with some very common first date question.
Tell Me About Your Work
This is one question anyone will ask you in any type of gathering, so
your date may not be different. He is not going to be looking for a job
description, rank or your title, he just wants to hear about what you
do in a positive light. He wants to hear that you are confident with
what you do and there is passion in what you do. He may not want to
hear complains about your job at this stage
What Are Your Hobbies?
Here, your date wants to know what you really like to do aside your
job. You should try and stay away from hobbies like ‘going out to
watch movies’, except you are able to explain to him how fulfill you
are with this hobby. You should not list off activities for him, else he
will think you have no deeper touch with yourself.
Tell Me About Your Family
This question is often innocent when asked but can have a lasting
impression on you if you are not careful. No family is perfect and this
simply means that you should touch the basis and leave the deep
things for other dates. Your first date should not be marred with
horrible or ugly stories about your loved ones. No one will like to
shoulder your burdens the first time.
Can You Tell Me About Your Relationship History?
You just will not run from this question. He wants to know what has
really happened to you since you started dating men. You should try
and sound at peace because he doesn’t expect to see you cringe or
change the topic when he asks you this. The reason he is asking this
is for him to understand that you are datable. If you tell him what will
scare him the first time about your dating habits, he may never come
back again. However, this can be the tool to send someone running if
you see no head or tail in dating you.