No Hell Fire; Adam & Eve Not Real ––Pope Francis Exposes?

One man who is out to right many old "wrongs" in the Catholic
church is Pope Francis. Some of the beliefs that are held in the
church but contrary to the loving nature of God are being corrected by
the Pope who was name The Man of The Year by TIME Magazine. I
don't know if he truly said this, but read it below...

In his latest revelations, Pope Francis was quoted by Diversity
Chronicle as saying:
"Through humility, soul searching, and prayerful contemplation
we have gained a new understanding of certain dogmas. The
church no longer believes in a literal hell where people suffer.
This doctrine is incompatible with the infinite love of God. God is
not a judge but a friend and a lover of humanity. God seeks not
to condemn but only to embrace. Like the fable of Adam and
Eve, we see hell as a literary device. Hell is merely a metaphor
for the isolated soul, which like all souls ultimately will be united
in love with God.”
In a shocking speech that is reverberating across the world, Pope
Francis declared that:
“All religions are true, because they are true in the hearts of all those
who believe in them. What other kind of truth is there? In the past, the
church has been harsh on those it deemed morally wrong or sinful.
Today, we no longer judge. Like a loving father, we never condemn
our children. Our church is big enough for heterosexuals and
homosexuals, for the pro-life and the pro-choice! For conservatives
and liberals, even communists are welcome and have joined us. We
all love and worship the same God.”
In the last six months, Catholic cardinals, bishops and theologians
have been deliberating in the Vatican City, in discussing the future of
the church and redefining long-held Catholic doctrines and dogmas.
The Third Vatican Council, is the largest and most important since the
Second Vatican Council was concluded in 1962.
Pope Francis convened the new council to “finally finish the work of
the Second Vatican Council.”
The Third Vatican Council concluded with Pope Francis announcing
Catholicism is now a “modern and reasonable religion, which has
undergone evolutionary changes. The time has come to abandon all
intolerance. We must recognize that religious truth evolves and
changes. Truth is not absolute or set in stone . Even atheists
acknowledge the divine. Through acts of love and charity the atheist
acknowledges God as well, and redeems his own soul, becoming an
active participant in the redemption of humanity.”
One statement in the Pope’s speech has sent traditionalists into a fit
of confusion and hysteria...
“God is changing and evolving as we are, For God lives in us and in
our hearts. When we spread love and kindness in the world, we touch
our own divinity and recognize it. The Bible is a beautiful holy book,
but like all great and ancient works, some passages are outdated.
Some even call for intolerance or judgement. The time has come to
see these verses as later interpolations, contrary to the message of
love and truth, which otherwise radiates through scripture. In
accordance with our new understanding, we will begin to ordain
women as cardinals, bishops and priests. In the future, it is my hope
that we will have a woman pope one day. Let no door be closed to
women that is open to men!”

A few cardinals in the Catholic church are against Pope Francis'
latest declarations. Watch out for the report.